The purpose of this page is to serve our people. By our people we mean
the only race that exists, the Human Race. We are all responsible for
one another because we are all sisters and brothers in the same struggle
and in the same bucket. That homeless man you passed on the way to work
today is you if you look closely into his eyes. That woman working four
jobs is you, if you closely into her eyes. We are all homeless in this
house of humanity and community. How can we (ReadNex Poetry Squad) as
artists talk about unity and spread the message of a communal society
and not take the action to do so, this page serves that very purpose.
From week to week we the ReadNex Poetry Squad along with anyone who
wants to stand by our side will help to achieve the goal of unity
amongst our people. Day in and day out we will strive to educate
ourselves and others to the best of our ability. Awareness is something
that we have been attempting to spread since we formed and we will
continue to do so. We will be doing all that we can to accomplish these
goals. Even if it is something that seems menial, it might be something
that can change a persons life. Through community service and ReadNex
Campaigns we will help to fight against hate and help make hunger
history. Our people are not only hungry for food... they are also hungry
for knowledge. This page is for all of you that are interested in
helping. It does'nt matter if you are a high school student or if you
are a graduate student in college. An elementary student collecting cans
of food or a senior citizen donating clothing. Action needs to be taken
for a better human living and a better community overall and it’s up to
us to do so.