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Dear Fellow American,Imagine for a moment how much better your life might be if you could stop worrying about money!
Money you may need for personal or business needs such as business start up, expansion, equipment financing, salaries, rent, overhead, medical bills, education, mortgage, car or utility payments, debt consolidation and more!
THE GREAT NEWS IS… There’s FREE MONEY available for ALL these things and much more! If you simply take a few minutes right now to sit down and read the information that you have in your hands you’ll see exactly how to get it!This FREE MONEY could change your financial concerns forever! You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to get FREE GRANT MONEY. In fact… PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU ARE RECEIVING FREE GRANT MONEY EVERYDAY. MONEY THAT IS FREE AND NEVER HAS TO BE REPAID!We guarantee getting FREE GRANT MONEY is much easier than you think! There are over 40,000 Private Foundations that required by law to give away a portion of their assets ever year to retain their tax exempt status.THESE FOUNDATIONS ARE ANXIOUS TO DONATE MONEY BY MAIL TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE GENUINE REASON FOR NEEDING THE MONEY!
THEY HAVE TO GIVE IT AWAY!PLUS… Federal and State Government Programs also provide thousands of sources for funds. BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ARE GIVEN AWAY EVERY YEAR. Thousands of people apply and free money is given away daily to them.If you have poor credit, no credit, or you have gone through bankruptcy you STILL are able to get the money you need… BY MAIL… SENT TO YOU…BY CHECK…PAYABLE TO YOU because Private Foundations and Government Agencies are not interested in credit ratings, collateral or cosigners.The main requirement is that you really need for the money! And who doesn’t!
Just print and mail Your Reply Form NOW to get your share!
Or call 1 (888)232-9223 24hours.........EVERY DAY CASH GRANTS FROM $5,000 TO 500,000 are given away FREE and CLEAR to people just like you!
All you have to do is apply! Which is made easy with your FREE bonus books! You will see exactly how to increase your chances of walking off with all the cash you need for life!So many people think they can’t get this money that it sits waiting in government and foundation bank accounts for people to take it. How much money do you need to reduce the financial stress in your life…$5,000…$10,000…$50,000…$100,000…or more? It’s there! Waiting for you! These grants are for men, women, all races, religions, rich and poor, widowed, divorced, parents, kids, companies and individuals. Everyone is eligible!This is the most complete and comprehensive grant source you’ll need anywhere! It covers all state and federal programs.Your covered 100% by our $5,000 Cash Grant Guarantee!Plus, if you reply before the deadline, you’ll save over seventy dollars.
This guide is a valuable resource tool that reaches you step by step how to write an accept able grant proposal. Contents include topics on questing a Grant, How to develop a grant
proposal, Initial Development, Identification of a Funding Source, Getting Organized to write a Proposal, The Basic Components of a Grant Proposal, Goals and Outcomes and much more. A simple application is included. This guide is a must have for those seriously interested in increasing their chances of obtaining their grant.FREE BONUS #2: “A SPECIAL EDITION OF THE FREE MONEY NEWSâ€
The Free Money News magazine brings you the latest information of private foundation and government grant programs plus exciting articles. Don’t miss out on the following must read topics: The Seven Most Important Items to Be Included in Your Grant Proposal; New Business Grants: Business Grants for Salaries, Rent and Overhead; Funding your way through College; Obtaining Government Funding: A Practical Approach: and a special section on New Financial Aid For Women.