GOD, Singing classical music, lisening to anything that i can move my body too, anime, books, cheese, Dance Dance Revolution, really funny things, people, harmony, politics, tall people, watch movies, short people, my friends, your friends, did i mention cheese....
Anyone with a good heart and a good attitude who gets a kick out of laughing and having a good time......also cheese lover.. width="425" height="350" ....
Frank Sinatra, John Mayer, Tina Turner, My idle Barry White, Miles Davis, you know i Luve Opera cause thats what i am going to do, Killswitch,Coldplay, Jeff Buckley, Linkin Park, Some Christian Stuff, Rap and R&B(including Vanilla Ice), Most techno, Yanni, Rascal Flatt, Diamond Rio, Incubus, Japanese anime music, and most anything else, and lets not forget disney songs
Zoolander, Any movie with Arnold Schwezenagger, Naruto, and Lord of the Rings, Memento, Fight Club, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Blade movies, Donnie Darko, Memento, Love Actually, Boondock Saints, Magic Trolls and the Troll Warriors, Pokemon Movie 2000, Identity, Basic, Footloose, Big Trouble In Little China, Finding Forrester, Mulan even though i have yet to see it, AND last but not least Beauty and the Beast
HEROES........I am addictedLAW and ORDER SVU.....is there really a doubtSMALLVILLE...... LANA LANG IS MY FUTURE WIFE!!!!
The BIBLE,any book by Robert Jordan ( wheel of time), Journeyman Saga, Forgotten Realms books (Drizzt Saga's), Ann Rice, Basically i have no life if I have no book in my hands
Arnold Schwezenagger, Jesus, Bruce Lee, Captain Planet, President Franklin D. Rosevelt, The guy who invented the wheel, and My Mommy