peoplE...neW friends, clotheS and sHoes! fashion! sHopiNG! mALling! travelling! beaches! the sun! hanging out with mah fwends....stayin in Coffee shOps tiL sun dOWN! buRNing d fOn Lyns! chatTing! surFing d net! cartoonS! magazines!!!! sweets! chocolates!!!!! suGar, sPice, and eVErything nIce!!!!!!! hehe! the powEr puFf gurls! hehe! lol! reading good books, not lame, boring ones..:)!
~ i cMe 2reALize dt i sHud sTop LukiNg 4 prinCE charming..cOz cinDereLla's ALrdy gOt him!! LOL!reAL pPl! reaL freNDS! hate userS! hate plaStics! pPl hu! YOU! Love tO be acQuintated witH neW&olD freNds;P lOve havIng LodS a fuN! LafS..Lafs...nD more LaFfSs!;p
party, urban, melow, bossa, reggae...i love sitti..and nelly furtado:)
the nOtebook!!!! my all time favorite:)....gad! i love this movie:)
F, fashion tV, aMErica's neXt tOp mOdeL, simPLe LifE, tyra, oPrah, Etc., friends, MtV, MyX,onE tree hiLL...
the good earth(pearl s. buck), ....p.s. i LOVE yoU!!! Rosie Dunne!!!-read it! Romantic & interestiNg! -by CeCilia Ahern...mY favE author.
God....mY fAmilY...mY fRienDs.....mY sWeebyc: my sOuLMatec: