Del profile picture


F1: "ThE hOmE oF tHe ChAmPiOnS..!!!"

About Me

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Name: hMmm...??!!! Do I haVE tO teLL YoU mAh NaMe..??!! soRRy FoLkS bUT i DoNt WaNt YoU tO kNoW mAh ReAL nAmE... (^-^) Birthday: jAnUaRy 22, 1987 Age: 17 yEaRs oLdSchools: ELEMENTARY: MaBiNaY eLeMeNtArY sChOoL HIGH SCHOOL: first year-second year: DuMaGuEte ScIeNcE hIGh SChOoL third year-fourth year: MaBiNaY nAtIonAL hIgH sChOoL COLLEGE: SiLLiMaN uNiVeRSiTy CoLLeGe Of NuRsInGCourse & Year: 2nD yEar / NuRsInGEyes: BRoWnHair: BLacKHeight: 5'5"Location: dUmAgUeTe CiTy "ThE cItY oF gEnTLe PeOpLe"Email: [email protected]/[email protected] Food: aNyThInG baSta dILI mAkAhILo....!!!!Fav Drinks: ReD hOrSe, RoOt BeeR, cOLt 45, TeQUiLLa, eTc... HEheHE... JoKE LaNg..!!!Fav Color: PiNk, ReD, bLuE, bLaCk, GraY, pUrPLe aNd GrEeN (fOr BEiNG gReEn MinDeD..!!! HEhEhE..!! )

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My Interests

txting, surfing the net, watching T.V., hanging out with my barkada, eating, listening to music, travelling to other places, and reading books like HARRY POTTER, LORD OF THE RINGS, etc.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone here in myspace!!!!!!! just add me up if you want to be one of my friends....... OK!!!!!! here's also my e-mail add in friendster & hi5 : [email protected]...... while my e-mail add in hipstir: [email protected]..... add me up ok?!!! thanx!!!(",)

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harry potter, lord of the rings, fast and furios, sweet home alabama, my boss's daughter, MIB, torque, a walk to remeber, the brotherhood, chasing liberty, mission impossible (I&II), unfaithful, bring it on, the transporter, etc.... ang dami eh.... heheheh (",)


charmed, smallville, C.S.I., adventure inc., buffy, american idol, monk, fear factor, darkangel, mutant X, samurai X, american idol, angel, etc...


harry potter, sweet valley, nancy drew, lord of the rings, etc...


spider man, hulk, harry potter, superman, legolas, wolverine, cyclops,etc....

My Blog


Posted by Del on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

mah favorite cartoon characters(",).....

these are some of mah favorite cartoon characters: TWEETY BUGS BUNNY TAZMANIAN DEVIL ...
Posted by Del on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST