S M Y R N A M E was born as a studio project in 2003,playing a blend of turkish rock with early seventies prog, electronic beats,punky vibes and sometimes ethnic tunes.
Our 1st album "PAY" ( means "share" in turkish ) , has been completed within fifteen months.The album includes ten songs, two of them are instrumentals. Through the recording sessions, tables were filled with (empty) glasses ,wine bottles, sunflower seeds on the carpets...
Currently, the mixing and mastering sessions are in progress for the 2nd album.S M Y R N A M E (= Izmir mektubu ) 2003 yilinda bir studyo projesi olarak Izmir’de başladı. Turkce sozlu rock yelpazesini yetmisli yillarin progrock sound'undan elektronik altyapilara, punk, blues ve etnik tinilara genisleten grup; fiziksel ve zihinsel arabesklesmenin disinda yer almaya çalışıyor."PAY" albumune gelince; Masalarin ustunde bos kadehlerden daglar, yerlerde cigdem kabuklari, monitorlerin ve gitarlarin ustunde tuy yumagi kedi Mimi.. Onbes aylik kayit, miks, edit ve master sureci Izmir’de Ertan Elmalik tarafindan tamamlandi. Ikisi enstrumantal on çalışma iceren album 2006 Kasim ayinda Atlantis Muzik tarafindan yayinlandi.Ikinci albümün kayıtları miks ve mastering'i İzmir/Bornova Stüdyo 440'da (www.studyo440.com) İsmet SİNANGİN, Atilla ABANA, Andreas WILDERMANN tarafından sürdürülmekte .
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