Spending time with our boys, and each other as much as possible. Taking road trips or sticking the truck in the mud. And last but not least takin the Busa out for a spin.. fun fun Wonder if they make a carseat for those?? LOL
myspace love text
brbrbrCant wait to meet my Eric in heaven, he is waiting on me! My Grandfather, I have alot of unanswered questions for him..
I love all MUSIC!!
Anything scary or a chick flick.. :) brbrbr
That 70's Show, America's Funniest Home Videos, Bringing Home Baby, Reba
Baby Talk, American Baby, Parents (all magazines)
Eric for believing in me after all these years apart, and loving me like no other. My son Blake for being a great kid and being such a momma's boy, I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. Dakota for making me smile & laugh at his cute little jokes & being a my stepson. Kameron for coming into my life unexpectedly and making our family complete, & being a great addition to our family making us happier than ever. My Nanny for all her knowledge and wisdom, I wouldn't be who I am today without her. My sisters for our arguements and dissagreements that made us stronger & wiser. And last but not least GOD who lets me wake up each day and also hasn't put on me more than I can't handle, and giving me all these awesome people to love and whom love me more than anything in this world!! Eric.. My friend, my love, my life...Blake.. My son, the greatest!Kameron.. My son, a great addition to my awesome familyDakota.. My stepson, who cracks me up all the time gotta love him!