emo/punkso cold, so cold i take everything away but i still feel cold, but its not what's taken away its what's still here and what's still here in me is you, your so cold. You took my hand and broke my heart, when i give everything just to walk as if your right next to me, i gave everything to walk alone but you all no this isn't just me this is how we all fall.My life is like a piece of playdo to shape and mould to make my own future but sometimes I feel as if I got less than most. Sometimes I scare myself just to feel, like stand just that little to close then step back at the last minuet just to see if I have the guts to take another step, Sometimes when your right a crap book you'll make the cover look like a masterpiece just because you no the inside that we all judge a book by its cover??? My book has no cover. I understand that not everyone is the same as me.
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when you wake up today i want you to feel the hurt of a thousand broken hearts, sadly probably all because of you, i want you to trust me but only for one day and in that day ill through it all away. show you what its really like to live inside a lie. when i want everything about you to die, im not worthless but your not worth this...*
-its no longer a hobby its an addiction