Music fills my heart with love...
Food fills me up with more love...
my farouqie by myside gets me in the mood of lovin'..
and seeing the world fills me up with love! love! love!
All the lovely people in the world...
who believes in Love! Love! Love!!!
As long as my HEART and SOUL sings and dances to it..
i love it!
There's just too many that i adore...
cheers to all that have added more
and smiles
into my life...
whatever my HEART and SOUL desires..
I am a dreamer...
so i love chic lits...
for they've kept me in the clouds...
my family ...
no one can be better at bringing me up in this world...
and As-Shafiq Farouqie...
no one has done better at lovin' me...
to my heroes:
I love you...