Try as hard as we may for perfection, the net result of our labors is an amazing variety of imperfectness. We are surprised at our own versatility in being able to fail in so many different ways. - ***4 RiGHt NoW? PositIVe peoPle or BASically anYONE who is DOwn N NO Mo Drama. BEEn ThRu Enuf awREEAdy!!
WHATevaS on, SpORts, ACtiOn,
DiVINCI CoDe, ShwShnK ReDmtIOn, RICH DaD Po Dad, DONalD TRump Bio,SpoRTS ILL, ESPN MagZ, Duh BIBle, POrTer ROckwell, JESus THe CHrist (thAt WsNt E Z), Red Baadge of CoURaGe,MoSt of GerSHwin,
mY THrEe LyFe SaVeRz