About Me
I'm an Audio Engineer, currently working at JavaJazz as Senior Audio Engineer, responsible for all the live shows and LIVE RECORDINGS. My expertise is LIVE Mutitrack Recordings. My experience with bands and Performers includes: (The * denotes Live recordings besides Soundman)
Aaron Dauphinais*,
Abel Josephson*,
Adam Warner,
Allison Balson*,
Amanda Kingsbury*,
Amy Loftus,
Anahit Ashikyan,
Anamieke Carroza*,
Andrea Floyd*,
Andrew McCutcheon*,
Andrew Scannell,
BareFoot Bride,
Becky Kessler*,
Bernadette Moley*,
Bill Zide*,
Bree Olivea Jessup*,
Brian Cooper,
Brian Frazee,
Brian Travis*,
Brian Westrin*,
Bucket Head Cowboys*,
Carl Coulam,
Carla Holden,
Carrie Wade,
Cary Brothers*,
Cary Sullivan,
Catherine Feeny*,
Chris Dardozzi*,
Chris Drizen*,
Chris Mahoney,
Chris Opperman*,
Chris Pierce,
Chris Scott*,
Chris Varosy,
Christian Bienne,
Cliff Williams*,
Cody Lee,
Colin Best*,
Colleen Duffy,
Courtney Chambers,
Cynthia Carle,
D Massaro*,
Dan Beers*,
Danny Buday*,
Danny Hamilton*,
Dave Johnson*,
David Rayburn,
Denise Vasquez*,
Diane Hall*,
Dirty Kings`,
Duke Graham*,
Easily Amused ,
Edward Kocol,
Eliot Popkin*,
Elicit band*,
Eman the Band*,
Eric Andrews*,
Eric Ethan,
Eric Maskol,
Eric Mayron*,
Erin Workman*,
Evan Dorn,
Evita Y Glenn*,
Face Down* ,
Flying Solo,
Frankie Hernandez*,
Garon Michael,
Gary Boren band*,
Gina Acuña*,
Gordy Haab*,
Greg Bergner,
Gregory Markell*,
Ingrid Sophia,
J grooves*,
J Satanseed*,
Jack Housen,
Jaime Paxton*,
Jake Walden*,
James Thomas*,
Jamie Downchild*,
Jason Campbell*,
Jason Condello*,
JC Spires band*,
Jeff Clayman*,
Jeff Santiago,
Jeff Takacs*,
Jenn London*,
Jeremy Park*,
Jesse Stern,
Jim Payne*,
Joel Larson*,
Joey Corso*,
John Andrew*,
John August*,
John Caligiuri,
John Denny,
John Howard,
John Leslie Walsh,
John Montgomery,
John Street*,
John Torres*,
John Wynn,
Johnny Lasker*,
Johnny Miles,
Jon Patrick Foshee*,
José Nogueira*,
Josh Hertz*,
Josh Ryan,
Juan Estanga (Zoo drive),
Julie Beard *,
Julie Neumark*,
Justin Hodges*,
Katie Miller*,
Keith Nichols*,
Kelly Slattery,
Kevin Pugh*,
Kirsten Proffit*,
Kristofer McNeeley*,
Kyle bornheimer*,
L.E. Stokes*,
Leah Balecha*,
Leo Nobre*,
Les July,
Leslie Pereira*,
Macain Treat & Jesse Berent*,
Marcie Patman*,
Marcos Madras band,
Mari K,
Marta Santamaria*,
Mathew Quinet*,
Matt Nolan*,
Matthew Selznick*,
Melanie Dekker,
Michael Denvir*,
Michael Mangia,
Michael Paige*,
Michael Robby*,
Michael Suter*,
Michael Zeno,
Mike Barnet,
Mike Sullivan*,
Monica Hayes*,
Nothing Yet*,
Ol Skool All Stars* ,
Old friend trio*,
Oren Hadar*,
Oso Rey*,
Pat Cottrell*,
Paul Dillow ,
Pope Jane,
Paulette Pantoja,
Phil Dutra*,
Phil Soussan,
Pow Wow*,
Raul Rivera,
Ray Griffin,
Ray Zhor*,
Rebecca Carlish*,
Remy Tesser*,
Renae Geerlings*,
Rex Moroux*,
Rob Momary*,
Robbie Gennet*,
Robby, Michael,
robin wiley*,
Roy Marx*,
Ryan Merchant*,
Samantha Tobey*,
Sandro Rebel*,
Sarah Mz.Cheeviuos,
Scott Turchin,
Sean O'Malley*,
Zach Sinick*,
Soft Supply *,
Spiral (band),
Stephanie Simon*,
Stephen Anderson*,
Steven phillips,
Stewart Lewis*,
Tacky Jacky*,
Taylor Buchcanan*,
Temporary Thing,
Terami Hirsh*,
Terry Conrads*,
The Endless,
The Willies*,
The Hippster,
Thomas Teltser,
Thomas Viscera,
Tim Moynihan*,
Timothy Bennett,
Tin Paco*,
Todd Stadman*,
Todd Taylor*,
Toni Arthur*,
Travis Collins*,
Tribe Sapien ,
Veda Blue (Dave)*,
Vesper (band),
Wendy Profit*,
Wes Hutchinson,
Will* the band ,
Willian Souza,
Wood Fowler Productions*,
Yates Dew*,
Zach Sinick*,
Zé Bruno*,
Zoo Drive*.
To Name a few...