Me? What does that mean? Am I what I eat? How can I say that when matter continuously flows in and out of me.I am that body through which those chemicals flow? How are its borders delineated? And how can that body be defined when it too is constantly changing?
What about the genes encoded in my DNA? I have my my own unique recomnbination of genes. Is that what I am about? I can hardly say they are mine. Only the recombination is unique. It would perhaps be more proper to say that my genes own me, as I am the vehicle of their reproduction.
And what about everything that has happend to me since my conception? Am I the collection of events that have come to pass in my life. If so where are their boundries drawn in an interdependant universe?
Am I my memories? I am my feelings? My thoughts? My intentions? Or any other mental phenomenon? None of these are constant. And how can these be distinguied from eachother?
I am none of these things, and all of these things? I am an emergent property of all the these things. My boudries cannot be defined. I am a complex, a vortex into which reality spirals but whose heart is empty, ungraspable.