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Counting the days....

About Me

Layout made by StanleyThePanda at .Currently residing in Kentucky with my husband, Judson, and my daughter Amaya. Our youngest daughter, Allyson, lives in Wisconsin Rapids, WI and WE MISS HER EVERYDAY!!!!! Since my husband is in the Army, we are stationed at Fort Campbell. Living on post isn't too bad, at least I have a really nice house!!!
| View Show | Create Your OwnI am also working (with MUCH procrastination) on finishing my Master's degree. I think I am going through an early mid-life crisis though, because I can't seem to figure out what want to be when I grow up.Click here to get Codes/Tweaks for your MySpace! - Be Unique!

My Interests

| View Show | Create Your OwnI used to have ALOT more interests, but currently it is FINISHING MY DARN PAPER, finding a new job and catching up on sleep. Rules!

I'd like to meet:

I would really, really, really like to meet Tantoo Cardinal, my FAVORITE First Nations Actress (think Victor's Mom in Smoke Signals).I would also like to meet my paternal Great-Great-Grandmother, known to me through stories as my Gramma's "Little Gramma." I want to meet her and learn all I would be worthy of learning from her.I would also really like to meet that Native guy from all the 'seventies commercials about environmentalism (you know the one that looks at all the trash and is all stoic as one lonely tear rolls down his chiselled cheek bones). This profile was created using: ProfileTweaks Editor Ver.2


Ok, ok...DON'T LAUGH: I totally love Jennifer Lopez (even though I know the sound board has just as much effort put into her records as she does) and her clothes and her perfume line. I have ALL her fragrances, almost all her records, and almost all her movies. I am almost fanatic. My husband thinks I am crazy, but I don't care.Ok, so besides that, some of my favorite bands of all time are NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK, Belinda Carlisle, Billy Ocean, Tiffany, Blacklodge, Battle River (please pray for their livers), and an up-and-coming drum group known as BRAVEHEART (yeah, yeah like the movie..but that is thier REAL last name and they are FINE young Sioux boys being raised by the NICEST, most RESPECTFUL, and absolutely FRIENDLY Mother). Oh yeah, then there is that obscure drum group from Turtle Mountain that has young singers all around it, which makes me proud to be home.


OMG..where to begin, where to begin. Of course there is the Princess Bride, Star Wars (I-VI), Goonies, The Lost Boys, and ALL J-LO movies (now AND in the future, even the one where she thought she could be a gangster),


Classically, I would have to say ALF, The Cosby Show, Fraggle Rock, and music videos on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company: we used to pick it up with the antenna BEFORE we had cable).
- Get Your Own
Currently: LOST and almost anything on the Food Network (as hubby and I are trying to learn how to cook more than fry-bread, gullet and corn soup!)


The Chronicles of Narnia (BEFORE THE MOVIE); The Little House on the Prairie collection; Little Women; The Odessy (which my husband is still planning to read to me..but we seem to yet find the time for)


The heroes in my life are my Grandparents and my parents. The older I get, the more I realize they sacrificed without hard feelings so that they could raise their kids and grandkids. Hopefully my generation can continue with the values they have worked so hard to preserve for us all.

My Blog


Posted by Anjanette on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:44:00 PST

Days gone by...

Ok, so its the middle of March (in case you didn't already know).  I am dreaming of powwow pickles on a stick, big-as-your-face frybreads like Cindy used to make us, and jumping in SunSun's littl...
Posted by Anjanette on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 08:10:00 PST

My Baby Turned 7 Today

My little girl turned 7 today, and I am reminded of how fast time slips by when you are busy living.  I remember her when she had colic, and when a dishtowl could wrap around her as a skirt when ...
Posted by Anjanette on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 07:44:00 PST

Champagne wishes & Cavier dreams

In case you didn't know, we DID NOT win the lottery.  WE spent a lot of time dreaming of our wishes though, and I thought I would write them down so I can look back at this and really see what wa...
Posted by Anjanette on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 07:19:00 PST

ho hum, ho hum

Alright, so its 17 degrees out right now.  I am sitting here thinking to myself, is my sweater clean for work tomorrow?  Then this amazing thought jumps into my head: "Its WAY colder in ND, ...
Posted by Anjanette on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 07:27:00 PST

Compared to a Warrior

I may be a little biased, but I had to repost this from an email I received this morning.  For the wife of a warrior, time stands still while he is away.  For the life of that warrior, ...
Posted by Anjanette on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 07:06:00 PST

I was WRONG!!!

It seems that I have some VERY thorough readers of MySpace's layout and BLOG!!!!  Thanks to my Cuz Danny, I must report to you that "la bon noel" in fact means MERRY CHRISTMAS, NOT HAPPY NEW YEAR...
Posted by Anjanette on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 01:28:00 PST

i'm melting, i'm melting...oh, what a cruel, cruel world.

"Oh!! What a world, what a world." (Wicked Witch of the West, Wizard of Oz) My husband TOTALLY kicked my butt at Scrabble.  He learned all my tricks, and BLOCKED me!!  Amaya is just cryin' h...
Posted by Anjanette on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 03:45:00 PST

Reflections for a New Year

Le Bon Noel!!  (Just in case you don't know, that means Happy New year.) Just wanted to get some thoughts out today, as I reflect upon where I have come from, where I am now, and where it seems I...
Posted by Anjanette on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 07:33:00 PST

Famous LIke Me

Good evening bloggers.  Just wanted to say, am currently scanning the web-iverse to find my Famous look-alikes.  It seems to be taking QUITE awhile, I wonder what that means???? One pic ...
Posted by Anjanette on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 08:25:00 PST