Of course I always love hearing from members of my numerous fan clubs throughout the country, and let me just take this opportunity to send out an especial thanks to Sherryl and Phil Mcfereson of Spokane, Washington: I got all the cards and the tin of caramel corn; you two are truly golden--no, really, you flatter me . . . But seriously, I may not have a fan club (yet) but I do have some great friends: Their senses of humor have kept me from feeling much lack at all until recently, but I also have many interests that lay outside the scope of my relationships, some of which I've hardly pursued for lack of company. That being said, I'm always interested in talking with intellectually or artistically driven people, no matter what nook you hail from and nitche you've found, especially if you enjoy some of the work I do, or if you have a special interest in drama (theater drama, that is. From what I've seen it seems no one on Myspace likes the other kind). Also, if you're in the bay area and might like going to the theater, museums, comedy clubs, on hikes, and especially if you like any of the above and are of the fairer sex, drop me a message or comment and we'll talk.