I pretty much like just about anything that won't get me bored, but my favorites are sports (huge sports fan), music, hanging out with friends, going out for a few drinks, bowling, playing pool, etc.
This pic says it all....
You can't see me! The Great One!
I guess I'll list off some of my favorites here:Friday Big Daddy Happy Gilmore Billy Madison Waterboy Full Metal Jacket Grumpy Old Men (both of them) Uncle Buck
I'm a big sports fan, so I'm usually watching something on ESPN or ESPN2. If I'm not watching sports, I'm usually flipping the channels trying to find an old sitcom or something to watch. Some of my favorite sitcoms are Married with Children, The Simpsons, Dukes of Hazzard (yes I said the Dukes of Hazzard) and last but certainly not least, the Sopranos.