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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am Yankee stuck in the South. I'm white by birth, not by choice.If it was my choice I'd purge my white self untill all that is left is my Native American self. I believe that was born 2 centuries too late.I would like to some day lead a revolution and try to fix this shit hole of a planet,if possible. At very least get people to stop killing each other over tiny differences.If the U.S. was a socialist country our quality of life would go up,for proof look at Canada or Germany.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Buddha,Jesus,Shiva,Allah,Hunter Thompson,Timothy Leary, George Carlin,Angelina Jolie,Steven Wilson,Trent Reznor,Matt Stone and Trey Parker,Les Claypool,Ravi Shankar,Eugene Hutz,Steve-O,Genghis Khan,Atilla the Hun,the Zodiac Killer,Charles Manson,Che,Fidel Castro,Jim Morrison,Jerry Garcia,Death

My Blog

all gods are the same god

This world has some fucked up shit happening on it right now. Alot of it stems from religious hatred. Why can't the jews ,muslims,christians,hindus,buddhist,and all the others of this world ...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 17:15:00 GMT