Mae profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

A W!tnESs t0 tHe cULture of V!olence anD DEstrUCtion.. I Lay bleEd!nG frOm tH!S unDen!Able reAL!ty.. tHe Vo!d SoL!tarY sPace !S my HoMe.. ++i am FOrsAken ch!Ld yoU SeE...I aM tHe BurDen thAt iNcarCerAtes you ... I L!e amOng ThE dEad likE wHat yOu waNt !t To be... Do You kNow WhaT iT taKeS to BLeeD? IS !T tHe sORRow oR tHe wRaTh thAt sMoTherS yOu?++

My Interests

everything that bleeds... bloodqueen... everything that creeps and crawls... I find pleasure from anything that is BLACK, morbid and gothic.. I hear the cries of the dead.. see them walking in the depths of darkness... blood-sucking.. death defying .. horrifying.. mortals..***If you truly ROCK... I like you***

I'd like to meet:

I DisGust thOse TrY hARd wANnabes.. peOPle whO d!e FoR noTHing...I hAte ThoSe PeoPLe who Say tHey ROCK ***WhEn ThEir SouLz rOt fRom thEir DePRaved Ex!sTenCe wiThiN*** ThEy whO hiDe bEhiNd thEir GUns... YoUr dEcePTivE gLory iS sOon To Fall... YeT sOme FeEd FroM THeir w!ckEdnEss aNd L!es ***Hahaha*** YoU pAtheTic CreAtUres...***ThOsE wHo L!ngER aNd LaY dy!nG iN tHe dArk... CoMe AnD bE My Fr!eNd... ScReAM aNd ROck w!tH mE***


My music speaks for the underground... my music speaks for that heavy sound... my music speaks for the deeper meaning and all that lies within... Freaks the mind... Rocks the soul...


Envisioned in the dark... horror-inspired, thrilling death.. gothic.. and morbid movies...


showz that flood the tv screens with blood.. defiled corpses.. freaky screams and death cries...


books from the grave and the dead