I get my Free MySpace Layouts at LayoutStreet.comWhats up? If u don't already kno me, I'm India. My page is pretty self-explanatory of who I really am. Check out my pics & comment on 'em...sign my guess book 2...hell, show sum luv n sum kinda way. I'm a licensed Cosmetologist...4 all u slow people, I DO HAIR!...so if u need a fresh ass do, I'm the person u need 2 holla at. Cuts, chemicals, braids, dreads, styles, etc...& I have reasonable prices. 4 appointments, call 864-574-1640....O, & 2 those who came on my page 2 hate, feel free 2 do so cuz I still collect haterz. I'd luv 2 entertain u if u don't have anything better 2 do wit ur time. Ya dig? Maybe I could motivate u not 2 b so damn lame. And always remember...THERE IS ONLY 1 QUEEN BABY...CHECK THE RECORD...& THERE WILL NEVER B ANOTHER!