DaemonTwo profile picture


Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!

About Me

I like people that are a bit different, socially, sexually, emotionally, in what ever fashion. I like people that have their own view on things. And I respect people that are passionate about subjects, but have found the grace to maintain their passion but still allow room for others to be different. I want to be more like that........................................................ .......................................................... I am thrilled when I meet someone who appears outwardly to be one way, but upon getting to know them I discover that they march to the beat of a whole different drummer. I like that even if I can't hear that tune ............................................................ ..................................................... I like people that are intelligent. Not necessarily book or school smart, but intelligent. I like people with a generous spirit. I like people that take the time. I like people who will introduce me to things that are new for me and bring me along. ............................................................ .................................................... I like young people that are so very hungry for life and I like older people who have become more contemplative and have aged like a fine wine. I hope to transition from one to the other when it is my time to do so.......................................................... ..........................................................I like playing with sensations. I understand how some people find their freedom in opposites. I like trnsmutations............................................... ..........................................................I like photography because it’s really all about capturing light. I like theater because it’s about creating a separate universe just through speaking words and making gestures.................................................... .........................................................I like architecture because it’s about turning a thought vision in to solid material, the perfect mix of rigorous science and artistic vision ............................................................ .................................................... I like how music and certain smells can simply by-pass all the checkpoints and toll booths routing the information through our brains, and instead take the express directly to our hearts...................................................... .......................................................... I like numbers a lot. I'm a forensic auditor. Numbers talk to me in the same way I suppose musical notes talk to a conductor, or a great river stream talks to a fly fisherman. I understand relationships between numbers. They spend a lot of time in college, and in auditing classes, teaching you to understand how financial information is organized. But when it comes to deception, what every good forensic auditor eventually understands about human nature is this; The way we organize something is always as much about what we want to exclude as it is about what we want to how. ............................................................ ..........................................I like the effort I put in to trying to be a good father. I like that being a Dad made me want to become a better person then I would ever have tried to become just on my own.

My Interests

. . . you know nothing about Hope, that immortal, delicious maiden forever courted forever propitious, whom fools have called deceitful, as if it were Hope that carried the cup of disappointment, whereas it is her deadly enemy, Certainty, whom she only escapes by transformation. George Eliot

I'd like to meet:

I like it when I meet people that are a bit odd. If you you're hanging out around the edge of the known universe, I'm probably going to find you interesting and I'll appreciate who you are and what you are in to. I will want you to share some of yourself with me.


RocknRoll, Grunge, Ramones, The Pixies, Van Morrison, Hendrix, Sly and Family Stone, Sade, Marvin Gaye, Peter Gabriel, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Muddy Waters, Little Feet, Led Zeppelin, Neil Young, The Zombies, Dylan.


Fargo, Blade Runner, Taxi Driver, The Whale Rider, Donny Darko, Little Miss Sunshine, Crash, Blue Velevt, Goodfellas, Cabaret, Dead Ringers, Night Porter, Being John Malkovich, Edward Scissorhands, Crumb, Rushmore.


The Wire, Full Metal Alchemist, Pee Wee's Playhouse,


Slaughterhouse-Five, Lolita, Naked Lunch, Heart of Darkness, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Ironweed, Catch-22, Midnight's Children, Notes from the Underground, Metamorphosis, Crime and Punishment, Faust.



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