.. MySpace Icons ..My husband owns his own business and I work part time there and am looking for another part time jobas an office assistant. I like part time- which seems like full time for less pay-as I am able to be flexible for my kids. I absolutely love watching my daughter play soccer. I like to hang out with my son and play video games, and teach him to cook. Working PT allows me to bowl with the grammas twice a week and I look forward to traveling on our state tournaments. I read alot- though not as much as I used to. Always looking for a good book. I am definitely a product of the 80s. I have been married for 18 years and my daughter is taller than me now! I love music and movies and spend alot of time doing both, like to golf, like hanging out with family and watching and playing steel tip darts with my husband and friends. Living in the land of coffee and green makes crazy weather worthwhile. If we don't like the weather, we can just wait 15 minutes and it will change. I like to go to school- ALOT- and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. My kids think I'm crazy. And they're probably right. We have 2 ornery cats and 2 crazy dogs that need more attention than we can give- but we try! You can find me at Facebook, too.
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