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I am here for Friends

About Me

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I love life, my family and the chance to see my husband each day. I can not stand people who are passive aggressive. I do love a nice nap and I hate to wash my hair, but I do it anyways. I love all the people in my family crazy or not. I have come a long way in life and am now past the cry baby stage of my youth and on to the what the heck is going on here and how can I change it part of my not so youth. I do not like bad drivers. I love God and the Church. I am a Christian by grace and not pure ignorance. My husband and daughter are my reason to wake up before noon. I have no regrets and hope for a wonderful day each day. I am a optimistic and hopelessly in love with a man that has loved me endlessly for over 8 years. I feel like it has been my entire life. Life is beautiful. Stop complaining and change. If you are happy then that is a great thing. If you are not stop being a butt head and get some happy in your system. Life is short. I am a little odd. Different people see me in so many ways. I seem to be a little of me with most people. My Dale and my closest friends know the whole me. I hate being labeled and then passed by. I can not stand closed minded peons. I still love the people who are like this though I can not stand their actions. I am a lover not a hater. I am a little on the aggressive side. I am strong and independent, but soft when I need to be. There is so much to me, you'll get bored reading.

My Interests

My general interests are life, love and music. In that includes God and ministry because it is through Him that I receive life and love and am allowed to reciprocate that to others through ministry. I have a noisiness about me. Not the "tell me every secret" type but the kind where I tend to stare at people and wonder what is going on with them. Dale says this is a habit he wishes I would get rid of but he does it too. I am interested in seeing my daughter grow up. I am also interested in the reasons behind a person's need to laugh when they see I believe in God yet I still am compelled to love them. Regardless of another's beliefs I see them as a person and not as some one to mock and ridicule. I think I speak not only for my own beliefs but those of others when I say "We love you..mock, laugh, yell, do whatever you wish...we still love you." It is really simple. I have decided what I will believe and what I will not. Why does that enrage so many? Anyways, I was just thinking. Sue me I know Christians are not supposed to think but follow blindly behind some mystic government plot to subdue the I also like politics.

I'd like to meet:

The cast of the Office, Kermit, Regis and Kelly. I would also like to meet the giant from the movie "Big Fish" and John McCain so I can fling his floppy neck. I have decided that it is time to meet Michael Jackson.


I like all music. I like Enya to Rage Against the Machine. My music depends on my mood. Check out Ingrid Michaelson, , Regina Spektor, Iron and Wine,James Iha, and David Gray. Not to forget the ever beautiful Damien Rice. I love punk, real punk not punky foo foo fluff. Metal is my music of preference most days. Old school rap is great. I also like almost anything I hear except useless music with no meaning or too much about "I want you" and stuff like that.


The Heathers, Princess Bride, Say Anything, Peter Pan, Breakfast at Tiffany's, My Fair Lady, Summer Rental, The Goonies, anything with John Candy, I love musicals and mob movies....The list goes on forever. When I was younger I had no idea that cable and satellites existed so we watched a lot of movies. I could never list all the movies I have fallen in love with over the years or I would be forced to make a myspace page just for my movies.


The Office And NOW.....Thanks to my husband, I love LOST


I love just about every book I read. I appreciate the talent that it takes to create a piece of Literature. I do think that a warning label should be added to all books and reading material that is bad or may make you stupid. I do not like books that are sold at the Dollar If you see a biography there don't fall for it. It is not good.


God, My husband Dale, My dad (RIP) My Grandfather John M. Ratliff,My Aunt Glenda, all of the people who saw past the mess and accepted as I was and helped me come to a point of accepting myself, and one of mine but especially Jill's We miss and love you Michael

My Blog

Funny Baby Makes A Speech This is so funny to me! I love it! The subtitles crack me up so much....
Posted by Lisa on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 10:14:00 PST


Yes, we are expecting. It is a little early on to be yapping up the world about the situation. However, the last year has been riddled with nothing but bad news and tragedy. We thought hearing about t...
Posted by Lisa on Fri, 02 May 2008 09:46:00 PST

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are:Im from the government and Im help

The upcoming elections have made me start thinking of the late great Reagan. Aside from being one of my personal heroes, he was one of the best Presidents this country has ever seen. I wonder where th...
Posted by Lisa on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 06:34:00 PST


So I am on Spring Break. So happy about that. Dale is feeling OK. Jillian is going to be 5 next month. About a billion of my Lawrenceburg friends found me on MySpace. I couldn’t be more excited....
Posted by Lisa on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 07:07:00 PST

The last class

I have just arrived home from my final. This was the last night for the greatest class ever. I am excited it is over but sad that my teacher will not be the same for the rest of my life. Dr. Graham is...
Posted by Lisa on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 08:22:00 PST


GOODBYE 2007!!!!!!!!!! HELLO 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!As many know, 2007 was a year of pain, sickness, and trials for my family. We started off the New Year in 2007 with a scorching case of West Nile for me. ...
Posted by Lisa on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 04:40:00 PST

My daughter is crazy

Jillian is an amazing child. She is ahead of schedule with academics and can read sight words. She knows colors and which ones mixed together can make another color and what that color will be. Howeve...
Posted by Lisa on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 10:09:00 PST

So I got fired......

I went to work Thursday as usual. It seemed to be an ordinary day. At 3:30 I was called into the office and fired. I supposedly manipulated the phone system. I have no idea what that means or how I di...
Posted by Lisa on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 08:51:00 PST

Today at Target

So we stopped by Target this evening. We were enjoying ourselves looking at all the marked down Christmas decorations. We walked around the electronics department. While meandering around, this man sn...
Posted by Lisa on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 05:26:00 PST


Dale woke me up today. You just joining the program may need a brief catch up on when this was simply the most amazing day. In April he was diagnosed with cancer. In May they gave him a 6-9 month chan...
Posted by Lisa on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 11:27:00 PST