okaii well thiss beeh the kidsz cuzzosz doinq his about mehh .. well letsz beqiin... a neww lifee camee intoo thiss worlldD on jan..22.makee suree ya qett himm somethinqq nicee... hiss namee beeh jose.... hee 5teen yearsz old... in carteret middle sckooll... yess he livesz in carterett... yess we all noo whackk ass townn .. bhutt oo well ; well ma cuzzo iss onn the sinqlee sideee.. ma nikka ( g-mackkinqq ]lolsz.. well umm ma cuzzo juss beeh kcoolinqq..hee madd kcool 2woO chiLl wiif...bhutt whatsz youu qett on hiss bad sidee thatsz iit itsz a rapp...bhutt umm for ya lil ass smutsz ma cuzzo needa gurll that aintt gunna play himm.. off beeh on summ hoeishhh typee shytt feelsz meehh...im outtiee...iff ya wannna noee more aboutt ma kcuzzoo jus hitt hiim upp ina messaqee or a commentt ...( casandraa wass soo freakinq here onn 102808 ]