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"Someday" is the title of my, Independant Artist, debut project. I was featured on the WORD Network via the Bobby Jones Gospel New Artist Retreat then honored by Dr. Jones' request to join his Nationwide Gospel Tour and be featured on BET's Bobby Jones Gospel Show.I have been favored by God and previledged to share the stage with such Gospel Greats and Personalities as Bishop Leonard Scott, J. Moss, Evelyn Turrintee-Agee, Shirley Ceaser, Dottie Peoples, The Williams Brothers, Joann Rosario, Dorothy Norwood, John P Kee, Bryant Scott-Tyscot Records, Gerald Henry-BET's Lift Every Voice, Cecil Brown-CEO of Gospel USA Magazine, Angela Spivey, Monique Walker, The Legenday Barrett Sisters, Limmie Battle, Damon Little, Patrick Lundy and a host of others.I am honored and Thankful to God that the "Someday" project appears in the 2007 issue of the Nationwide Magazine "Gospel Roundup". The Bible of the Gospel Music Industry published by Lisa Collins.I am confident and sure in my walk with God and often you will find me expressing that it is "Because of HIM! I am Lena" thus birthing "B. O. H. I. A. - Entertainment" company.I ask that you please support the spreading and the advancement of this project and own a copy, through SNOCAP above, for your spiritual enrichment on this journey with the Lord. You may also visit me at www.cdbaby.com/cd/lenasounds and take a listen, purchase and leave a review.Please SUPPORT, paste link to address bar.
"Project Unity USA"-
"Redemption Productions LLC"-
http://www.redemptionproductionsllc.comThank You For Visiting MY SPACE.I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!