"A.E.C.," the electronic pop entity otherwise known as American Electronics Corporation, began oh so innocently in the winter of 1997. Following a European tour with Sleep Chamber, I wanted to move outside the shell of the mothership (aka Battery Cage), in a different direction...something darker, slower and more sexual in nature. Consequently, while the initial Battery Cage lineup began to disintegrate during the recording of our first record, I focused (sporadically, i'll admit) on this "A.E.C." project and the album "Hate Life". The album came during a relatively hectic period of heavy drug use and personal crisis (realistically, the mother of invention), and somehow through a haze of hallucinogens, sedatives, and other non-prescription oriented friends, I managed to polish off the first record within....oh, you know...5 years....finally putting the last of it to disk in 2002. whatever, shut up. but the important thing is that i managed to finish, _and_ rope in some top notch remixers...that i just happened to be friends with....grenadier (who i managed to scam into doing vocal production all over that record), infrastructure (yeah, we go way back), and pneumatic detach (who i remember from when he was just a wee lad with a distortion unit).
Anyway, moving on...so, in the winter of 2002, i got really tired of working on this 'Hate Life' album, which seemed to drag on endlessly. Through the Battery Cage and Informatik records I was working on, not to mention the seemingly endless trench of remixes I was plowing through, I kind of lost interest in the whole aggro-dustrial sound of the first record. Not to mention that the entire "industrial" community had totally changed it's focus to this synthpop thing. So, I started working on this new 'concept' album...although admittedly, the words 'concept album' usually summon a vision of some kind of progressive rock trio, I sort of decided that this record would be a kind of document of the life I was leading...sex...drugs... and sequencing...what could be a better description for the record? Not that I want to get into all the whack ass crank and/or skanks that I was doing...but anyway, I hooked up with Stacey who, aside from being an excellent vocalist for the record, seemed to be capable of defining tracks that I seemed incapable of bringing anything meaningful to... meanwhile, the new Battery Cage record "World Wide Wasteland" was basically coming to an end, finally...so this became the focus in between the Battery Cage and Informatik records. Really, I don't mean to brag, but I definitely feel like this was one of the best records I've done to date. Apparently, other people also feel this way. But you can decide for yourself, if you check the audio section. Blah blah, I'm tired of typing this stupid bio thing. If you like it, fine, then email me or Stacey some questions and we'll answer them. Otherwise, this is probably all the explanation I can give for any of these records. We recommend you get seriously wasted, kick back, and enjoy. Because we are.
-Tyler Newman, "A.E.C."