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Get to Know Me ...About You... Eye Color -Blue and Green Hair Color- Brown Height- about 5'5 Favorite Color- PURPLE Screen Name- DISISYIMHOTT420@AIM Favorite Band- dont have one Favorite Movie- harold and kumar go to white castle Favorite TV Show- The O.C. Your Car- A stinikin lincoln but its broke! Your Hometown- *C-Town* Your Present Town- Ctown bitch! Your Crush's First Name- David Your Grade- 10th unfortunetly Your Style- hmm.... cant explain ...Have You Ever... Sat on your rooftop yep lol Kissed someone in the rain surprisingly yea Danced in a public place of course Smiled for no reason lol hell yeah when im high Laughed so hard you cried Recently cuz of sandras drunk ass! Peed your pants after age 8 nope Written a song tried but it didnt work out Sang to someone for no reason i did that yesterday lol Performed on a stage yea but i wa scared Talked to someone you don't know yea Made out in a theater yea Gone roller skating since 8th grade for my friends little sisters birthday party Been in love yes ...Can You... Write with both hands nope Whistle yea Blow a bubble yep Roll your tongue yepperz Cross your eyes yea Touch your tongue to your nose no Dance everyone can dance! Speak a different language a lil spanish and french Impersonate someone lol maybe Cook anything hell yea ...Finish The Line... If I were a ... Queen i'd rule yall bitches! I wish ... I can fly lol? So many people don't know ... that i got king kong my the trunk I am ... predictable My heart is ... crushed right now... can someone heal it? Take this survey..Get your own countdown at