Dans mon ame je nage tojours.
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'"
"Life woulda been a mistake without music"
-Jack Kerouac-
Joan Baez
Patti Smith
Bob Dylan - Bruce Springsteen - Fabrizio De Andrè - Sergio Cammariere - Jacques Brel - The Clash - The Beatles - Marianne Faithfull - Tom Waits - Leonard Cohen - Johnny Cash - John Lennon - The Velvet Underground - Cat Stevens - Inti Illimani - Simon & Garfunkel - Charlie Parker - Carole King - Woody Guthrie - Pete Seeger - David Bowie
Annie Hall
Play it again, Sam
Take the money and run
Fried Green Tomatoes
My Fair Lady
On The Waterfront
Alice's Restaurant
Sacco & Vanzetti
Alice doesn't live here anymore
Breakfast at Tyffany's
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid
Forrest Gump
No Direction Home
Renaldo and Clara
Don't Look Back
Concert for Bangladesh
The Last Waltz
Helza Poppin
Ricomincio da tre
Million Dollar Baby
A Prairie Home Companion
Black Dahlia
L.A. Confidential
E fuori nevica!
Premiata Pasticceria Bellavista
Mystic River
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Edward Scissorhands
Good night and good luck
Allen Ginsberg
Jack Kerouac
H. Miller, F. Dostoevsky, C. Baudelaire, P. Neruda, G. Garcia Marquez, L. Pirandello, W. Borroughs, B. Akunin, J. Baez, B. Dylan, P. Smith
Joan Baez. Because she has fought against wars, hatred, violence, poverty and all kind of social injustices, from death penalty to jails and draft. Because she is a pacifist, an activist, a non-violent fighter. Because she never gave up. She has seen the others fall and she's remained true to her beliefs.
Joan Baez. Because she has fought her personal struggle against her own problems. Because she did it with braveness and she won.
For all these things, and so much more, Joan Baez is my hero, my role-model and my guru.