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About Me

International Account Manager for local company. Like to travel. Read. Photography. Animals. Sports.It's been a while since I've done any commercials. But here's one I just did this year: I am also the Area Coordinator for the Pennsylvania chapter of The Dream Factory ( a nationwide wish granting organization for critically and chronically ill children. I started the Pennsylvania chaper in February 2006.READ MY ARTICLE IN THE ALTOONA MIRROR HERE:DELIVERING DREAMS - ALTOONA MIRRORWe are working on fundraisers for 2008 and hope to reach our goal of granting 10 dreams! Below is a picture of me with 9 year old Jaclyn. Jaclyn was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer this summer. She is undergoing 16 rounds of chemotherapy treatments right now. This picture was taken when I presented her with her "dream" which was a trip for her and her family to go to Hawaii upon the completion of her cancer treatment. She is a SUPER STRONG LITTLE GIRL!Get MySpace Layouts from nUCLEArcENTURy .COM OR create your own using MySpace profile editor !!!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Interesting people with an opinion/brain/sense of humor. People with conversational skills and intellectual interests. Animal right activists. Positive people, people with positive energy, people who are out there doing good... decent human beings. People with interesting personalities. Did I mention positive people? Sincere people. People who think. People who think intelligently. People who are aware. People who have goals. People who are open to change. People with no agendas. People who support a cause. Mature people. People who are not fake, manipulative and full of negative energy. People who are not into the "bar scene"- the drug scene (here's a news flash: you may THINK you do drugs 'cause you "LIKE" them, and it's "FUN" but you are doing them because you can't deal with your problems. GET SOME THERAPY! Be present in REALITY!) - the gossip scene - the "create drama" scene. People who are interested in giving back to the community/others. People who spend their time and energy trying to make a change in the world - not just focusing on themselves and instant gratification. People who realize their is a world outside of ALTOONA and realize that we all have a greater purpose in life!Esophageal Cancer Awareness. You can help. Visit: ANIMALS ARE ANGELS!!! VISIT AND HELP OUT!
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My Blog

This is a f*cking outrage!!!

THis is a f*cking outrage.  Read the story below.   The Carter Center works towards advancing human rights in countries such as Pakistan.  If you are as outraged as I am, visit
Posted by on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 01:47:00 GMT

Why are people so f*cking stupid?

I have to vent!!!!  It just continually amazes me how so many people have trouble going through their daily lives with any amount of intelligence, class, self respect and dignity. ...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 20:23:00 GMT

Why can’t people in central pa drive right?

I don’t have much to say other than that.  It just seems like people around here are SCARED to drive.  Or maybe their brains are in slow mo!!!!  Doesn’t anyone have to be an...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:56:00 GMT


One of my pet peeves is people who get pets and then disregard them the minute they are no longer "convenient". Pets come with a responsibility. Somtimes it takes work to get your pet to behave the wa...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:27:00 GMT