About Me
Stop using crappy sites, and get quality myspace layouts and graphics from pYzam.com , for real peoples!
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Ellie (Elspeth)
Date of Birth: 08.10.88
Birthplace: Huddersfield
Current Location: My house
Eye Color: Blue/Grey
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5"10
Heritage: English and Scottish
Piercings: 5
Tattoos: None
Band/Singer: Too many to mention
Song: Changes all the time (prob the one on my profile)
Movie: Ooo depends wot mood im in. Iv seen many
Disney Movie: Mary Poppins or Aladdin
TV show: Hollyoaks
Color: Hmm purple
Food: o god i dno. italian, mild indian, most oriental...EVERYTHING
Pizza topping: dnt mind as long as there are no sluggy mushrooms on!
Ice-Cream Flavor: Ben and Jerrys Phish food or chocolate fudge brownie
Drink (alcoholic): standard - archers n lemonade or fancy - apple martini YUM
Soda: Dr Pepper
Store: Whatever fits my budget at the time lol most stuff is usually topshop
Clothing Brand: Anything gorgeous
Shoe Brand: Anything gorgeous
Season: Summer cant beat it
Month: July/August - weather. October-birthday. Decemeber-Christmas. Love it.
Holiday/Festival: Christmas
Flower: Rose of course
Make-Up Item: my lancome mascara
Board game: Harry Potter game lol
This or That
Sunny or rainy: sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Fruit or veggie: prob fruit
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: sweet
Love or money: love
Phone or in person: In person
Looks or personality: personality but u gotta be a looker aswell
Coffee or tea: coffee in the morning, tea whenever
Hot or cold: hot
Goal for this year: go travelling somewhere
Most missed memory: the easy days prob back in high school
Best physical feature: i dno. wot do u think???
First thought waking up: 5 more minutes
Hypothetical personality disorder: obsessive money spending disorder
Preferred type of plastic surgery: eww none makes cringe beyond belief imaginin it
Sesame street alter ego: elmo
Fairytale alter ego: Cinderalla lol
Most stupid remark: last night. Question-what cant u eat with false teeth = e.g. rock. I said...why would old people want to eat rocks. Cant believe i said that
Worst crime: apparently liking marmite
Greatest ambition: to make enough money and be happy
Greatest fear: spiders
Darkest secret: my weak stomach. i can be sick for most disgusting things like slugs lol
Favorite subject: Dance
Strangest received gift: lol i dnt kno
Worst habit: lazyness
Do You:
Smoke: nope
Drink: prob 2 much
Curse: yer prob 2 much as well
Shower daily: yep, like my baths as well
Like thunderstorms: not really bothered
Dance in the rain: if its on the way to the next bar
Sing: i try. wont be entering x factor anytime soon tho lol
Play an instrument: i used 2 play piano
Get along with your parents: live with my mum. as cheesy as it sounds we are more like friends
Wish on stars: nope
Believe in fate: i think things happen for a reason
Believe in love at first sight: no i think u can find someone attractive but when u kno a person thats when u fall in love.
Can You:
Drive: im learning. dount i will be the best lol
Sew: lol i actually can
Cook: yep im not 2 shabby
Speak another language: no i would like 2 be able to.
Dance: i hope so or im doing the wrong course
Sing: no not really i jus do
Touch your nose with your tongue: no
Whistle: yes
Curl your tongue: yep
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: yes
Been Stoned/High: hem hem
Eaten Sushi: eww nope dnt like fish
Been in Love: yep
Skipped school: 2 many times. im a rebel n not proud lol
Made prank calls: sadly yes
Sent someone a love letter: no
Stolen something: no
Cried yourself to sleep: dnt think so??? iv cried n then gone to bed
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? dishonesty
Are you right or left handed? right
What is your bedtime? when im tired
Name three things you can't live without: i hate saying it but money, make-up and friends/family
What is the color of your room? purple
Do you have any siblings? a brother
Do you have any pets? 2 cats
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? no but i would kick there ass newsome style lol ....not really
What is you middle name? Rose
What are you nicknames? Ellie, Smelly, Elledawg, L, ellie d.
Are you for or against gay marriage? For. who would i be to say no, its up 2 them.
What are your thoughts ..ion? For. But i wouldnt take the option 4 granted.
Do you have a crush on anyone? Yer
Are you afraid of the dark? depends if iv watched a spooky film lol
How do you want to die? peacefully
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? prob bout 2 or 3 i dunno
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? nope bore that 1 off lol. ( it would have 2 be 4 someone like my mum)
What is the last law you’ve broken? erm buying cigs 4 an underage friend lol
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: dnt mind but not keen on ginger im afraid
Eye color: any but bright
Height taller than me
Weight built
Most important physical feature: shoulders and back and a nice smile
Biggest turn-off boys competing 4 the smellyest fart- er gag!
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.comIm ellie
im tall blonde n like 2 boogie
love shoppin, goin out 4 bevys and meals, random nites at peoples houses jus social social social
even pizza deliverin with my mate jaz jus 2 hav a chit chatLove my gorgeous friends try my best 2 luk after them jus like thev dun 4 me and they are always up 4 party, life cudnt b more fun!BETH been a partner in crime on many occasions...alrite seth!HANA seem 2 spend most of my evenins on the fone 2 her oooo love our chinwags u always know the right thing to say luv u!KIM seem 2 spend most of my days with her whoo lots of giggles.SAM when im thinkin of wot 2 write bout u all i can think bout is yr legendary cackle! love evenins at yrs wen its hillarious dvd nites borat was a gd 1 or back in the day house parties.EMMA....dilla cleave keeps things top notch, im so surprised how shite yr sense of direction is... we can never leave u 2 drive that mini on yr own lol.AMY we really hav 2 watch u wen yr takin adavantage of rocks £1 drinks cant believe how legless u actually can get...heard u like to play the banjo???lol.ABBY u practically know tho most random shite iv ever known 4get fuckin dictionary ill jus ring u!SARAH the beauty queen bee cant wait 4 yr sallon n my free maicures plzzzz lol can remember wen u waxed me n hana last year b4 malia hahaha hana was the funniest thing iv seen!holmfirth girls = HEATHER-just wild, love our gossip catch ups.
SOPHIE-boyfriend!yr dog is an absolute legend as if it can actually sneeze on demand haha that evenin at yrs was full of shits n giggles.
CAT-u just tell it like it is always makes me laugh.
ROSE-that nite at yr house gave me the name holey mole says it all we had some sickysickersons as well lol legend u host some times.
NAOMI-yr birthday produced some of the funniest pics who said tequilla was a gd idea?!? lol.
LAURA-love it wen u get drunk and yr dancin goes wild lol a recent weds springs 2 mind makes me chucklecollege bums = LINZI-rahhhhhh u hav the most random insults in the feckin world mate, u constantly giv it massive love u 4 it.
LEAAAA-toatal totty! im so pleased that u always are concerened that we dnt die like warnin linzi not 2 slip on cat shit lol, love our gay wave.
LOTTI u do come out with the most funny yet interesting things iv ever heard like peoples fantasies bout cow pat lol random?.
CLAUDS-the godess of hair luv that feckin style, a truely fabtastic lady!
LOUISE-i love how we can jus sit there n laugh at each other literally bout nothin yr jus as crazy as i am!
K-POD-keep on singin lol... i think, still luv our spice girls routine!haha.
of course theres beth,kim n me but we all kno wot those 2 r like muahahahahahaLove people who make me smile :).
Hate people who have to change who they are for others.
Love waking up and thinkin of last night and just giggling.
Love coctails.
Hate liers - Ive experienced too many of those.
Love my bed.
Love Marilyn Monroe sheer beauty.
Love dancing, raving and in college.
Love food in general.
Love kisses on the forehead, always makes you feel special.
Love feeling butterflies.
Hate feeling bitter.
Hate people who try their hardest to be funny, cringe worthy.
Try my best to get along with everyone you can never have to many friends.If u fancy a chat add me on msn ellie_d83@hotmail.com no creepy or nasty ppl tho!