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Frank Peretti Fans


About Me

With more than 12 million novels in print, Frank Peretti is nothing shortof a publishing phenomenon and has been called “America’s hottest Christian novelist.” TheOath (Word Publishing 1995), sold more than half a million copies within the first sixmonths of release. The Visitation (Word Publishing 1999), was #1 on the CBA FictionBestseller list for four months. Peretti is a natural storyteller who, as a youngster inSeattle, regularly gathered the neighborhood children for animated storytellingsessions.After graduating from high school, he began playing banjo with a local bluegrassgroup. He and his wife were married in 1972, and Peretti soon moved from touring with a popband to launching a modest Christian music ministry. Peretti later spent time studyingEnglish, screen writing and film at UCLA and then assisted his father in pastoring a smallAssembly of God church. In 1983, he gave up his pastoring position and began takingconstruction jobs to make ends meet. While working at a local ski factory, he began writingThis Present Darkness, the book that would catapult him into the public eye. After numerousrejections from publishers and a slow start in sales, word-of-mouth enthusiasm finallylifted This Present Darkness onto a tidal wave of interest in spiritual warfare. The bookappeared on Bookstore Journal’s bestseller list every month for more than eight years.Peretti’s two spiritual warfare novels, This Present Darkness (1998) and Piercing theDarkness (1989), captivated readers, together selling more than 3.5 million copies. The Oathwas awarded the 1996 Gold Medallion Award for best fiction.For kids, Peretti wrote The Cooper Kids Adventure Series (Crossways and TommyNelson), which remains a best-selling series for children with sales exceeding 1 millioncopies. In August 2000, Peretti released the hilarious children’s audiocassette seriestitled Wild and Wacky Totally True Bible Stories, reprising his role as Mr. Henry, theoffbeat substitute Sunday School teacher found in two Visual Bible for Kids videos. Perettireleased his first-ever non-fiction book, The Wounded Spirit in 2000, which quickly became abest-seller. The book addresses the pain of “wounded spirits” and was writted as a result ofpainful childhood experiences. Frank Peretti and his wife, Barbara Jean, live in the WesternU.S. In spite of sudden fame and notoriety, Frank still lives a simple, well-rounded lifethat includes carpentry, banjo making, sculpturing, bicycling and hiking. He is also an avidpilot.

My Blog

Facing the Giants

Hello everyone, and a warm and happy Springtime to you! Well I've had the same thought bouncing around in my brain for several weeks now, and I guess it's time I shared it. Just a few weeks ago, Barb ...
Posted by Frank Peretti Fans on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 06:35:00 PST

Frank’s Big Answers to Questions Binge

Okay, I deserve it.I've been putting this off while running around the planet doing other things, so now I'm going to sit down and answer  generally - the questions you folks have sent me in the meet...
Posted by Frank Peretti Fans on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 06:32:00 PST


Hello everyone Yes, it's me, the wayfaring pilgrim freshly returned from the four-week Acting for Film program at the New York Film Academy Universal Studios campus in ..:namespace prefix = st1 />Bur...
Posted by Frank Peretti Fans on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 06:26:00 PST

Christmas is a-comin'

Hi everybody. My manager and the kind folks who run this web site asked me to write a blog about Christmas and I drew a blank.  What could I say apart from the usual stuff everybody says this tim...
Posted by Frank Peretti Fans on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 05:27:00 PST

Obi-Wan and GI Joe

Well, hello everybody. Life has been flowing along at a steady pace.  I'm currently working on the fourth draft of the Monster screenplay.  I spent some time in Thousand Oaks, California wit...
Posted by Frank Peretti Fans on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:40:00 PST

July 12th update

Hello everyone: Long time, no write.  Thanks to everyone who dropped in with a question or comment and to everyone who answered those questions or comments with more comments or questions. So wha...
Posted by Frank Peretti Fans on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:39:00 PST

Quick Movie Update

Hi there. There have been questions, so here are some quick answers regarding movie stuff: Thr3e - Ted Dekker's book made into a movie, not mine - is in post production right now ... and I can tell yo...
Posted by Frank Peretti Fans on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:37:00 PST

3 Movie Journeys

Hi, Everyone! Well, as steps toward my vision of making movies, Barb and I did some traveling in April.  First we drove south to the Nez Perce Indian Reservation to meet two of the nicest people...
Posted by Frank Peretti Fans on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:36:00 PST

Take A Walk With Frank

  Hi everyone - I'm Barb, Frank's wife, sneaking in to his website while he's away!  I talked with Derek yesterday, our webmaster, and he walked me through the procedure of putting p...
Posted by Frank Peretti Fans on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:35:00 PST

30 Answered Questions

Hello, everyone: Someone just sent me a list of 30 questions to answer, so I'm going to try to answer them here on my blog page so that everyone can see them in case they had similar questions. &...
Posted by Frank Peretti Fans on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:33:00 PST