6TM Cherche Musiciens profile picture

6TM Cherche Musiciens

About Me

6TM is Marketed and Promote in the USA ONLY by Richard Derr of DG3MARKETING. So, if anyone interested in working with 6TM please contact our Marketing Agent Richard Derr at DG3MARKETING@AOL.COM
6-T’M (System) is a Pop Rock band. (Rudee – Singer / Eric – Drum / Gibs – Guitar / Fab – Guitar / Stephane – Bass).
Street Dance choeographer, Rudee makes his first step into the music industry with his GodMother Radiah Frye & Mia Frye as a dancer and background singer for many live performences and TV shows.
With time Radiah Frye founds a good R’N’B music style who match perfectly with Rudee’s personality Craig David, Usher, R.Kelly …
The New York / Paris connection revue ran by Radiah Frye takes them to Spain, Portugal ,U.K and United States. Out there, listened to Pop music all day long, Rudee understands that he has to take a new start in his musical career.
From Sunset Blv (Los Angeles) to Market Street (San Francisco), Rudee showed up in every bar and live performances places he could to really get the Pop Rock Vibes.
Back in Paris he decided to start a Band influenced by Pop – Rock – Funk – Soul.
Joined by his friend Gibs (Guitar player in 6-T’M & also one of the most creative Rock guitar player ever, from Corsica, Spain, UK..) who was ready to get involved 100/100 in this new adventure, they started recruiting musicians. Xavier (Drummer, one of the best dummers they've ever seen, Paris, Los Angeles, Argentina ...).
It was hard time, and after 3 months, the other musicians took place in the band like a family. It’s how 6-T’M was borned. Now 6-T’M rehearse to record 12 original tracks for touring and put their 1rst CD out...

6TM on SellaBand

My Interests


Member Since: 13/11/2006
Band Website: www.6tm-music.com
Band Members: Rudee - Singer / Gibs - Guitar / Eric - Drum / Fab - Guitar / Stephane - Bass

6-T'M is Marketed and Promote in the USA ONLY by Richard Derr of DG3MARKETING. So, if anyone interested in working with 6-T'M please contact our Marketing Agent Richard Derr at DG3MARKETING@AOL.COM

6TM is Marketed and Promote in the USA ONLY by Richard Derr of DG3MARKETING. So, if anyone interested in working with 6TM please contact our Marketing Agent Richard Derr at DG3MARKETING@AOL.COM

Le Sly & 6-T'M - "Cours" Video

Le Sly - Cours
envoyé par rudee
Sounds Like: We don't try to sounds like no 1, we try 2 create our own style. We all got different musical background, and we try to mixe Pop - Rock - R'N'B - Soul ...
Record Label: 6-T'M Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New Songs On 6-T'M MySpace

We almost done with our new song R.L.T.W. This is a Christopher Cross Cover.Hope U'll like itKeep us posted6-T'M
Posted by on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 13:16:00 GMT

New Songs On 6-T'M MySpace

Happy New Year 2 all of U. 2 beggin this new year, we put 2 new tracks on our page "U & Me" & " I Feel" & we would like 2 have yor feedback. Hug 6-T'M
Posted by on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 06:18:00 GMT