Hi I'm Jam, In my second year of a Sound Tech degree at the Atrium in Cardiff. I run promotions and engineer for gigs around Bridgend for the youth music organisation "Black River Arts" and am part of the technical crew at Clwb Ifor Bach. I'm also available as touring sound engineer so if you're looking to tour and want someone who knows your songs and sound inside out to ensure you get the best sound at every gig.. get in touch.
I'm a frustrated musician who hasn't the time to be in bands at the mo so this page will act as a scratchpad for rough ideas and somewhere potential collaborators can contact me. This page will feature mostly electronic pieces but I will create another dedicated to acoustic work in the not too distant future.
The calender is a work calender more for myself than anything else but feel free to use it to check my availability if you're looking to book me for tours.