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vitto meirelles

Da Fonte Ritual

About Me

......................Hay vida en la música popular brasileña más allá de Caetano, Chico, Milton y Gilberto. Meirelles nació en Río de Janeiro y vive en París, pero sus canciones palpitan envueltas en una encrucijada estética que nace en la lírica de los profetas mayores del género y se pierde en los . del soul suave, el jazz íntimo y las dulces polirritmias africanas. .Su segundo CD confirma su talento con piezas canónicas como ’Rio de Janeiro’, radiante retrato en sepia del sincretismo cultural que anida en el alma carioca..................................................... ....................................... ............................................................ ...............................................on attendait la suite de ce bresilien qui, pour être installé à Paris, ne surjoue pas la carte exotique bossa-ragnagna. Il aura fallu le temps d’élaborer le puzzle qu’est Da Fonte, album auto-produit et échafaudé pièce après pièce en studio. On y retrouve les moments de grace de cet auteur compositeur doublé d’un instrumentiste touche-à-tout. Il y a du grain dans cette voix-là, de l’humanité chez ce type-là. Voilà ce dont parle ce grand petit disque, porté par la personnalité de Vitto et par la musicalité de tous ceux croisés, du Carioca Kassin à Arto Lindsay, jusqu’au violoncellistes Vincent Ségal et Jaques Morelenbaum. ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ...........................musica di Vitto Meirelles è fortemente influenzata dalle sue origine brasiliane: una grande varietà di strumenti acustici tradizionali dipingono tutti i diversi paesaggi sonori carioca con la voce di Vitto soave e prenetrante . "Da Fonte" è il secondo album di Vitto Meirelles e contiene 12 canzoni che miscelano le tre principali chiavi musicali brasiliane: ritmo, melodia e poesia. Le antiche tradizioni riviste da arrangiamenti attuali, le risonanze tribali, la delicata saudade delle liriche e la magnifica strumentazione rendono "Da Fonte" un album splendido, un caleidoscopio dai mille colori che si ascolta e riascolta con vero piacere e che sarà fortemente apprezzato dagli appassionati di bossa nova, latin jazz e folk brasiliano.Brazilians continue to celebrate their country. .............. ............................................................ .............................................. Vitto is a young Carioca (an inhabitant and native of Rio) with a gift for music, although in Brazil, of course, there is no shortage of that. It is like saying "a gifted dancer" in Africa: people already have such a high level of ability that without that little bit extra, it is virtually impossible to be considered an artist. Brazil can now add to its long list of great artists, singers, poets, guitarists and composers Vitto, a figure who seems to bring together all these talents. Paris was the meeting place with Yvonne Desportes, a former Premier Grand Prix of Rome at the celebrated "Villa Medicis". This woman ranks as one of our greatest teachers, and was herself a pupil of prestigious masters, including Paul Dukas and Maurice Emmanuel. She also knew Ravel as well as many other musical giants. She saw some three thousand pupils in her career and none has been the source of as much artistic inspiration as Vitto. After two years, as though detached from the world, studying harmony continuously with this grande dame, Vitto began to write his own works and record them. It was in doing so that he came across another elderly lady, Andr?e Peyrissaguet, now over one hundred years old. She lent him the keys to a small church in the Creuse region of France, and using the building’s exceptional acoustics, he recorded a series of solo guitar songs which were to become the outline of his album.If you’re Carioca, you live in the historic part of Rio. In this bay different types of music have sprung up which have already gone several times round the world, for this capital city has given birth to more than one prodigy. Vitto the bossa-singer and samba-singer of Rio is one of her children. While he recognises the different schools, of Mangueira or Jobim, Vitto has also taken on the mantle of today and incorporates the sounds of the big city, of the world around him, without giving in to the easy charms of mechanical music - yet never forgetting to let us dream.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/13/2006
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Record Label: Raro
Type of Label: Indie

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Vitto Meirelles ...
Posted by vitto meirelles on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 03:39:00 PST

Vitto Meirelles ...
Posted by vitto meirelles on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 03:39:00 PST


Vitto Meirelles" ritual carioca "Les Brésiliens continuent à chanter leur pays. Vitto est un jeune carioca (habitant et natif de Rio) doué pour la musique, mais ce n'est pas ce qui manque au Brésil. C...
Posted by vitto meirelles on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 05:45:00 PST