alrret muckers... gillington is the name, used to live it up in carlisle way 9 crackin boys an old man way a gigantic weapon n a woman who was like a granny to me... yet stil drove me up teh wall way her squeaks of "mark mcgilllll". a spent ma time there playin 4 gretna :D moaned a lot when a was there but tbh honest lads wht a year it was :P... special mention goes out to the main man from geordieland daniel smee :( miss cartner :(.... n ma italian stallion mazza who was there with me for the 2 years of pain!! also fauldso, taitser, daz cas, pringalingaling, whiteycakes, the "internationlist" :p, robsyyyy, feza n studholmeeeeeeeeeee!!, "blood on ma knees suuuuusan suuuuuusan", the scouse leg end, conzo, lowwww lowwww lowwwwson, patoooo n of course tiny bubbles, not 4 gettin ledgends from the past like banks n ginger, chugster, dunga, marshall n orr! :D!! now a spend ma time on the phones at kwik fat scratchin ma bum talkin balls n kickin ball bout way the mighty warriors!! bk in glasga opf course. also met some nice geordie lasses special mention to miss james who is one cool chick.. prob nicest av met :P... n also to cartners missus.... iannnnnnnnnnnn bogieeeeeeeeeeeee!!!Myspace Graphics
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-:-About You-:-
Your full name: mark joseph mcgill add in paul if u want
Age: 17
Birthday: 27th of feb
Sign: pisces
piercings: nope
tattoos: not brave enough
height: 5 9
eye color: blue
hair color: blonde
color: maroon
movie: scarface
book: eh?
drink: jack d n coke
food: whatever is on offer
place: baillieston
animal: monkey
song: iris googoo dolls
band: livin legends frutellis
tv show: the orange county
cereal: special k
flower: daisy
scent: say again?
-:-Do You-:-
Play any sports?: soocah
Play an instrument?: sorry?
Have a cell phone?: yep
Have a job?: a bad 1
Like school?: average
Like to sing?: a try
-:-More questions-:- hit me
can you speak any other languages?: a give geordie a gd go
can you roll your tongue?: only gays cant! smee!
can you eat a whole pizza?: 2
have you ever cried over a boy/girl?: thats confidential
have you ever snuck out of the house?: am a gd boy
have you ever been arrested?: nope
have you been in a fist fight?: never lost
have you ever laughed so hard milk came out of your nose?: neva milk
have you ever broken a bone?: iii
have you ever had surgery?: i have
have you ever bitten someone?: if worst come sto the worst
have you ever laughed so hard you cried?: almost
have you ever been to a concert?: nope
-:-Pick One-:-
chinese food/mexican food: chinese
rock/rap: rock
drpepper/sprite: sprite
boy/girl: girl
snow/rain: snow
hot/cold: roastin
paint/charcoal: av lost u
book/magazine: mag
tv/movie: movie
skateboard/surf: love 2 surf
punk rock/hard rock: both dont do nothin 4 me
old school/new age: old school!
summer/winter: summer
chocolate/vanilla: vanilla
cake/icing: icing
muffins/brownies: muffins! double choc
bagels/english muffins: neva tried a bagel
hugs/kisses: ever1 needs hugs
ocean/pool: ocean
camping/beach: beach
french toast/french fries: toast
skiing/snowboarding: not in2 being cold
emo/goth: niether
khaki/jeans: mix it up a bit
long sleeve/short sleeve: how hot is it
hoodie/sweater: hoodie
sneakers/sandals: sneakers
sex/masterbating: the real thing
cats/dogs: both scare shit out a me
blue/green: green
spring break/winter break: spring
autumn/sping: spring
middle school/ high school: middle
redsox/yankeez: yanks
Sunrise or Sunset? : sunset
Intelligence or Humor? : humor
Funny & Plain or Exciting & Superficial? : excitin n superficial
Going to bed late or Sleeping in late? : lie in
Eggs:: Runny or Scrambled? : scrambled
Comfortable or Sexy? : me comfy ladies sexy
Potato chips or Corn chips? : jus chips please
Loving or Being IN love? : in love
coke/pepsi coca cola