....k@t.... profile picture


..~dancing in the rain~..

About Me

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HEYA!!,WELCOME TO MYSPACE, WIPE UR FEET LOL,IM KATRINA :) this is me........and my friends and family doing what he do best lol...............enjoy!.......also called.............*KAT, KATRINI, KATTY, KATRINULD, SUGAR CAKE :p LOL, watever lol........... IM 19, FROM DINAS POWYS, (JUST OUTSIDE OF CARDIFF), I DON'T SMOKE, I DON'T DO DRUGS, THEY ARE SILLY, BUT I AM KNOWN FOR THE OCCASIONAL DRINK.......look at pics hehe :P, LOL, IM IN ST DAVIDS COLLEGE, IN CARDIFF, TIZ THE S***, LOL, here are the girls in my class minus louise lol at rachel w 18th..........NOT REALLY LOL......., TRAINING TO B A NURSERY NURSE, YIPPIE QUALIFY SOON! :D..............., IM LEARNING HOW TO DRIVE...:S...., .........SAY OFF THE ROAD :P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~i love snow!!!! but i dnt get to see enough of it :(here is the last big 1 i saw on febuary 8th 2007 (ddnt realise that the next day would b even worse but ran out of battry on the camera :Si think that the spice girls will never die..........they wer the best and they summed up my childhood,especially knowing the dance to this!!

My Interests

*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:

Name: katrina brodbin
Date of Birth: 04 01 1988
Birthplace: Hammersmith London
Current Location: Cardiff South Wales
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5"91/2
Heritage: very very mixed lol
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: none
Band/Singer: the fray/john mayer, regina spektor
Song: i'll look after you - the fray
Movie: A walk to remember (2002)
Disney Movie: Beauty and the beast
TV show: ummmm veronica mars (love forever)
Color: pink!!
Food: chicken yum yum
Pizza topping: chicken lol and ham (not together lol )
Ice-Cream Flavor: mint choc or caramel
Drink (alcoholic): rum and coke (coke 45!!!), vodka redbull
Soda: diet coke but i normally just hav water lol
Store: ummmm debahnams probably lol i dunno
Clothing Brand: red herring at debahnams lol
Shoe Brand: faith
Season: winter for the snow and summer for the light nightimes and sunny days
Month: january but thats cuz of my birthday lol but i like may too cuz thats wen it gets warm lol
Holiday/Festival: christmas lol i just looooove it lol
Flower: daisy (the way to my heart lol:P)
Make-Up Item: eyeliner and mascara
Board game: yeh dnt really play it but if i do its gotta b cluedo
This or That
Sunny or rainy: both
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Fruit or veggie: both lol
Night or day: both lol
Sour or sweet: both lol
Love or money: L'amour
Phone or in person: depends where u r lol
Looks or personality: both lol waaaaaaaaaat lol oo i dunno
Coffee or tea: tea anytime lol
Hot or cold: depends how cold
Goal for this year: get my work done lol pass driving test ummm dunno
Most missed memory: my childhood :( good time lol
Best physical feature: my eyes i think but i duuno
First thought waking up: imm soooooo tired lol
Hypothetical personality disorder: huh talkin too muxh i dunno
Preferred type of plastic surgery: dunno i dnt think i would get anythin done lol
Sesame street alter ego: big bird soo i can scare my brother o yes he was scared or the yellow bird hahaha
Fairytale alter ego: i would hav to say tinkerbell ahhhh she sooo cutie
Most stupid remark: lol too many lol
Worst crime: of fashion lol i was 11 and i was dressed in a velvet outfit eeeh nightmare lol
Greatest ambition: to open my own nursery
Greatest fear: the dark
Darkest secret: like i would say :P
Favorite subject: art and workin with children i just love it
Strangest received gift: lol last birthday got a picture of my cusin in my birthday card lol i thought it was a joke so i called up my aunty and she was like o do u like it lol wtf lol
Worst habit: procrastinating lol
Do You:
Smoke: never
Drink: yeh occassionally
Curse: yeh well who doesnt but not all the time just wen im ummmm cross or upset
Shower daily: yes sometimes twice lol
Like thunderstorms: they scare me lol
Dance in the rain: yes at any opportunity
Sing: everywhere lol
Play an instrument: no lol used to rock out on that voilin lol memories lol
Get along with your parents: yeh very much lol luvs u lol xxx
Wish on stars: everytime i see 1 yet ti hav 1 come true lol
Believe in fate: deffinatley
Believe in love at first sight: yeh but i hav never experienced it yet lol
Can You:
Drive: learning lol
Sew: yes
Cook: yes i am i good cook lol
Speak another language: un petit francais lol
Dance: everywhere lol
Sing: everywhere
Touch your nose with your tongue: no sorry lol
Whistle: not very well dnno y lol
Curl your tongue: yep ;P
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: oh goodness yes lol
Been Stoned/High: no and i dnt wanna b lol
Eaten Sushi: no but i should try it lol
Been in Love: no :(
Skipped school: yeh lol
Made prank calls: yeh but i was young and nieve
Sent someone a love letter: no lol :(
Stolen something: no im a good girl lol
Cried yourself to sleep: yes :(
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? wen they but in to ur convo wen they wer not even part of it.......................................................... ............people forgettin my birthday and people complaining wen they go out grrrrr
Are you right or left handed? lefty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is your bedtime? it should b 10:30 lol so i get enough sleep but i end up doin silly stuff like this lol and end up goin to sleep really late lol
Name three things you can't live without: the internet........................................my mp3 player.......................my cd player............................tv........................ ........................food lol .........................................love stories lol
What is the color of your room? diffrent shades of purple lol
Do you have any siblings? yes 1 older brother lol
Do you have any pets? no the fidh all died lol
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? no i would never kill any1
What is you middle name? Nicole
What are you nicknames? Kat Katrini Katrinuld, katarina, sweetie, baby cakes sugar cake lol ummmm trina, katty, pretty, beauty lol there are many ooo and i 1 i hate from high school big del (i was fat........ and i was taller than my brother)
Are you for or against gay marriage? they can do watever they want lol
What are your thoughts on abortion? against it i just cant do it
Do you have a crush on anyone? ......................................im not tellin hehehe
Are you afraid of the dark? o yeh lol deffinatly
How do you want to die? next to someone i love havin a lovely thought on how amazin my life has been
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? (icelollys lol) lol lol bout 8 o dear lol durin the fat days lol
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? i would hav to b in the situation to know lol
What is the last law you’ve broken? sneakin into an 18 wen i was 14l
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: brown
Eye color: blue brown hazel
Height taller than me
Weight average
Most important physical feature: eyes llol
Biggest turn-off sleezyness lol just uno wat i mean lol the type of guy u see on a night out lol
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I'd like to meet:

any of these fiiiiiiiiiine lookin men hehe:P*~*


mandy moore, the kooks, the magic numbers, klaxons,the futureheads,nerina pallot,the fray omg i love them!!!!mariah carey ragina spektor so so many more i love music soooo much i just love how it exspresses emotions!!3 ummm beyonce,five for fightinglove it lol damian rice cold play john mayer!my fav john mayer song ... 3bigger than my body...


i love a walk to remember!!the note book too:)and Titanici also love disney movies with all my heart :)have to say i think this might b my fav........its just soo good:)3


im loving veronica marsLoVe forever :D (song that is sung in vid is 1 of my favs ever Fire

Add to My Profile | More Videosim also a massive ER fan.........and a fan of the love triangle goin on between Neela, Ray and Gates 3 its cute :P


all of my friends and family! people who have shaped who i am today xxx you are all amazing xx*****hugs*****xx

My Blog

<3 the fray <3

**NEED TO KNOW INFO** ~THE FRAY~ ok i hav to say this because i just think that they are one of  the best band out there at the moment. they are big in amarica but are pretty unknown here. i firs...
Posted by .~.dAy DrEaMeR.~. on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 09:20:00 PST

i got a B in life!!!

I Got A 'B' In Life... Body: [ ] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend.[x] You have your own room.[x] You own a cell phone.[x] You have an mp3 player/ipod/cd player.[x] Your parents are still ma...
Posted by .~.dAy DrEaMeR.~. on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 10:06:00 PST

hello hello !!!

hey peeps!!!! ok well welcome to my space i guess lol as atm i only have four friends lol i guess im a loser hehe! o well i ask the girls in col and other people to add me lol so i dnt look so sad ! ...
Posted by .~.dAy DrEaMeR.~. on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:39:00 PST