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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Back to the Basics
Name? None of your business
Birthdate? July 19, 1988
Age? 18
current location? Edmond, Oklahoma
what time is it? 3:55 pm
About you
Height? 5' 4"
wieght? none of your business...jk 120
eye color? Brown
race? Black
favorite movie? Elf
type of music? R&B, Hip-Hop, Jazz
do you read? Yes
favorite food? ANYTHING
the perfect pizza? none of your business
do you paint your toes? yes
favorite color? Blue
do you drive? yes
what school do you go too? UCO
have any kids? NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you work? no
what do you want to be when you grow up? Happy
favorite drink? 7up
do you believe in God? YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you sin? Yes :-(
play any sports? I was a Cheerleader in high school
Love life?
are you single or taken? Taken
do you have a crush? no
are you looking for someone? no
have you ever been in love? none of your business
have you ever been broken hearted? Hell yeah... haven't we all
whats the best part of being single? Being single
what's the best part of being taken? Being relationship
if your taken do you wish you were single? no
if you were single do you wish you were taken? no
whens the last time you went on a date? 11/22/06
when was the last time you ever kissed someone Friday
who kissed you last? Ernest
The Battle of the Exs
how many exs do you have? 5
were you ever in love with them? HELL NO!!!!!!
do you still talk to them? Yes
who was the cutes out of them all? Evan
who was the most mature? NONE
which one do you miss out of them all? Blake
which one do you wish you could kiss? NONE
which one do you hate more? NONE
explain how your last relationship ended? It just ended...enough said
did you ever have sex with one of your exes? HELLLLLLL NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
are you still attracted to one of them? yes
are you still in love with one of them? yes
whats your weakness? Food
have you ever smoked? no
got drunk? no
are you in shape? yes... but not like I was in high school
who are your best friends? Carlisha, Tammy, Kenisha,Alexia, Alysa,Sydney,Corie,Courtney,B.Love,Kerwin,Kim,Brandon,Ernest ,Shabree,
are you funny? Maybe...ok I'm
popular? yes
what do you fear? GOD
do you have short term memory? NO
wet or dry? Maybe both????
light or dark? dark
favorite breakfast meal? Any breakfast meal
what to get marrieged yes
want to have children? NOT RIGHT NOW!!!!
do you already have their names picked out? yes
ever got beat up? no
ever got in a fight over a boy/girl? HELLLLLLL NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
how do you express your feelings? Talking
last person you cried with? My friends
last person you talked to on the phone? Ernest
last person you looked at? Carlisha
last person you laughed with? Carlisha
last person you messaged on myspace? just got on
last person who commented your page? nobody :-(
what are you wearing? none of your business
last person you laughed at? Ernest
if you can change something about you what would it be? Nothing
anything you wanna add about yourself? Nothing
do you like living? Yes
do you regrete anything in your life? NO
what time is it now? 4:18pm

My Interests

Hanging out with friends,talking to the love of my life,Shopping,studying,reading,watching Sportcenter... just watching sports.

I'd like to meet:

GOD,Derek Jeter,Boris Diaw,my future husband,Chris Paul




Love&Basketball,BrownSugar,Elf,The fast and the furious,xxx,xxx2The notebook


My mom