Boxing, free style Wrestling, Greco Roman Wrestling, Arnis, the UFC, firearms/other projectile weapons, Astronomy, Anthropology, Psycology, The U.S. Constitution, weight lifting, running, Muscle Cars, illeagle Street Racing, camping/nature, American culture of the 1890's, American culture of the 1950's, German culture, and the Paranormal.
Bjork, the classical/traditional music of all Nations, Trance, most music of the 1950's, Dark Wave, Gothic, and Industrial.
Back to the Future 1, 2, and 3, all Nightmare on Elm St. movies, The Fith Element, Judge Dred, Lord of the Rings 1, 2, and 3, The Matrix 1, 2, and 3, all films Produced by Tim Burton, The Crow, and most Westerns.
The News, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futuremama, American Dad, King of the Hill, nature programs, science programs, history programs, and programs that deal with the Paranormal.
The Koran, The Bible, Sun Tsu's: Art of War, Websters Dictionary, Military hand to hand combat manuals, and wilderness survival manuals.