About Me
I am independent, more than I should be, Loyal to a fault once you win me over, I'll give it to you straight if you mean a lot to me, even when you don't want to hear it, I wish you would do the same for me, disorganized tendancies, but its ok cause I"m a musician, intimidating if you don't know me, a thought that becomes laughable when you do, I want to get married, but not right now, If I could sing for a living I would... Maybe I will.
I'm a big fan of a lot of things and the list is growing...Late night conversations, Talking about Jesus, Euchre, Burn, Old Houses, Dogs, Rainy Days, Depressing music, love songs, going to shows, oatmeal, going out for breakfast, going out for coffee, Ribena(we can be friends if you know what that is), singing my brains out, Jesus, people who don't know Jesus, my family, playing the piano, thrifting, Henna, meeting new, interesting people who will become my life-long friends, disocvering good music, going for a drive at night in the summer, talking about Jesus, _tag, anticipation, a movie when it is way better than you thought it was going to be, Surprises, the tunnels, playing devils advocate.
I don't particularly prefer Satan, Mac and Cheese, cheesecake,, car problems, sad people, people who drive slow in the left lane, things in my ear, things being pointed at me .I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4