OK, I need to address this. Although I may have alot of beautiful woman on my friends list. I am not on myspace to seek out a date or holla at a bunch of woman. I really do appreciate the thought, but It is simply not my goal. I love the networking aspect, and I love to be able to converse with alot of people at the touch of a button. So please...no "hook up" notes because they get a bit tiresome. Spark a real conversation.
Main Entry: hyphy
Pronunciation: "HIGH-fee"
Function: adjective
Etymology: San Francisco Bay Area (Oakland),
shortened perhaps from English dialect "hyperactive";
other sources cite a combination of "hype" and "fly."
1: dangerous and irrational: CRAZY;
2: amusingly eccentric; without inhibition: GOOFY
ALSO SEE: Stupid, Dumb, Retarded, Dummy.
"Dude is way too hyphy!"
"They were hyphy in the club Saturday night."