affectionate, animals, art, athlete, beach, beer, California, dancing, dogs, flowers, friends, Fuel, fun, gardening, homebody, horses, humanistic, intelligent, laughing, margarita, Maryland, Miami, motorcycles, muscular, Nickelback, outgoing, pets, quirky, reading, roses, running, Seuss, sushi, tattoos, thoughtful, Tolkien, travel, values, volleyball, Washington DC, wine
Interesting, intense, athletic, quirky, compassionate, independent, adventurous, loyal, intelligent, passionate, silly, serious, honest, know how to LAUGH and LIVE! People who add value to life.
Most rock, alternative, some rap, hip hop, country. A little of this, a little of that!
When Harry Met Sally, Wedding Crashers, Casablanca, Lord of the Rings, South Park: The Movie, ummm...more, I'm sure.
TIVO'd beach volleyball, HGTV programs, some flavor-of the month reality TV.
I've done a LOT of reading in my would take awhile!
My dear friend, Kristin, for her dedication to her country when she was on deployment. Oh yeah, and for running a freakin' marathon too!