drinking coffee! playing! reading anything and everything!going to plays, drinking coffee, talking, going to church, koinania, drinking coffee. but mostly...hanging with my peeps! B & E !!!
Wow! Classical, Opera, Country, Rock, Christian pop, soundtracks from any and every musical!
When Harry met Sally, Philadelphia Story,
I wish! If I had time...Lost, House, and my guilty pleasure, Gray's Anatomy : )
Yikes! Too many! ummmmmmm....Paul's letters, David's Psalms,The Color of Water, Empress Orchid, Time Traveler's Wife, Peace Like a River,anything by Pat Conroy, Wouk, Michener, Davidson...
REBECCA TODD (for designing my myspace=) But mostly my 2 daughters, Beth and Emily, who have hung in there with me during this incredibly tough year! I love you girls! And finally, my God, who is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.