If there were a name for a sound that descends further and further into a twisting rabbit hole before finding it's way into your eardrums, and finally returning to the depths of Hell taking you with it, this is it...
Perhaps no other band in the realm of underground music has proven themselves more promising or inventive than the cataclysmic TourniKueT. With a sound that transcends genres, TourniKueT has shown their influences and have created a style all their own. Their music self-described as "Trip Metal" contains elements of industrial rock to all out metal with a hint of horror influence. TourniKueT consecutively has exemplified the dark natures of humanity and amplifies all that is unholy.
TourniKueT was founded in 2003 with the meeting of Mosh Maddox and Damien Byrne, soon after meeting at a party, they began rehearsing together. Both were in seperate bands at the time, and planned these rehearsals to result in a collaboration project. Realizing the potential of what had just been created, Mosh and Damien abandoned their previous bands, with the exception of a few members, which they would bring to the new project, appropriately named TourniKueT. Through the duration of the pursuing year, as they worked to establish an original sound, TourniKueT had a series of bass players who did not fit the chemistry of the band. It wasn't until 2006 that they finally had the addition of a live drummer, Seriph, and hired current bass player, Martyr. These additions aided the heavier sound seen on the 2006 demo release, Sunday School Fuck-ups Vol. 1. This was followed by the most recent release, From Shallow Graves We Rise, on which TourniKueT exposes a strong Horror influence as much of it is based off of early Zombie cult horror films.
Since their rise in 2003 TourniKueT has become one the most recognizable, and arguably most controversial bands of the ohio underground metal scene. TourniKueT continues their malovent assailment on the American society, oganized religion, and moral structure. As they pave a yellow-brick road to hell...and encourage all too follow.
InstraMENTAL (early) 2004
Questions (internet exclusive) (2005)
Sunday School Fuck-ups Vol. 1 (2006)
From Shallow Graves We Rise (2007)
The Pain Involved (2008)