Earl Greys Radio Show on PEAKINGFM find our group on facebook , almost our 3rd show and we are as amatur radio as you can get , expect drug fualed jiberish and tunes
EARL GREY - dj - born in 81', started out in 98',thou since the years of 89'on had a taste for music influenced by those on the illegal side of things..
A family member would regulary play tapes from unknowen events/pirate radio ripped from wireless onto cassette for his listening pleasure....
Thou at only an age of 8' a love for acidhouse,early rave/techno/hoovers and pianos was born,and continued over the next 18 years
One day the Earl was able to obtain a real set of turntables,previoulsy used were 2 hifis and a switch,adding these to his vinyl collection of 10p,20p and 50p old skool records collected from second hand shops and bought with paper round money.
Using only Hardware Equipment spanning back to the 80's when producing Earl Grey has is own sound different
from when he dj's out , mainly freestyle button pushing music built up over a period of time.
At the end of the day , the studio is just a place to press buttons and make stupid noises .
Earl keeps his affair with music on a casual basis , he's played at a few decent Festivals,Venues and Events such as The Wickerman Festival (scotland) , Thimbleberry Festival , Orange Festival , Rockshots(rip) , Revolution , Appartment , Newcastle Arts centre,The Eygpt Cottage, CampDavid, Newcastle Uni , StanleyBluesFestival afterparty ,The Factory(london)Jack2Jack,Influence,Detox , Backlash , Promise , Moist? , Freakydancing partys... and also CREAM ( in july)
and of course a collection of 'free party' gatherings in the country and of course in unusual places such as a boat in the north sea and a castle.
Its all about the Bleeps , Beats n Basslines
Earl prides himself on not being the usual dj and is finished growing his hair for dreadlocks,thus the non big boofont anymore..
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