I'm a simple man really. I like shows about UFOs, Egyptology and seriously maiming Jody P. Scheaffer V.B. (He's in my friends list. If you see him on the street somewhere, kick him and tell him it's from me... With love. Then punch him. He likes that.) When my liver isn't on it's knees begging me for mercy and asking forgiveness for whatever horribly cruel thing it could have done to me to deserve such treatment due to the copious amounts of booze I jam down my eroded gullet, I'm usually at work. And by work I mean banging Jody's Mom in the pooper with a claw hammer and a rabbid pittbull strapped to my man-parts. I regularly eat small children. I smoke A LOT. This gives the children fair advantage as it gives them a small chance to escape before I run out of breath. Good show to them. If you are stupid, I'll likely tell you as such. If not, we'll get along famously.