john sheldon was only ever good at one thing in secondary school,music class.he used to memorise his melodys because he could not write music on paper an still cant{he writes the notes as letters} unfortunatley due to his familys funfair business he never could finish school an had to leave after 2 years due to moving all the time,so had to{and still is} learn/learning his-self.he first began in music by playing on his cousins decks and mc-ing at private functions at the age of 13,starting with club millenium in the midlands,to many others including the 02 club in digbeth and the marcus garvey centre in nottingam,at the age of 16 he bought his first music program magix {he still uses the same program today just the new version}.but due to no knowledge on the technical side with computers could not get the keyboard working through the program,and so had to record his melodys through his mic[which is why his older songs sound tinny }.he then met stevie glynn a female vocalist, at cambridge midsummer fair,and decided to collaborate,you will hear her on quite a few of his songs,and so john sheldon the producer was born...all was going well until his pc crashed one fateful day and never came back on.losing all his melodys and ideas.. he can only try to remember and recreate, including a 4:30 minute classical piano freestyle that was never written down and is now what could be considered a lost song..but unhinged he bought a laptop and continued to produce music,he will never stop making music and the last year has seen his production quality and feedback he recieves about his music improve 10 fold and will only continue to be inspired and to get better,.,,wait and see.
p.s all his remixes and tunes are available 4 free at any vocalist wanna do a collab contact him..any labels wanna sign him up/manage-him/promote-him/distribute his music on their label contact him!!!l..enjoy the music
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