IM single...the name i rock is Char De..the greastest day for the world june 24.I graduat3d from A.B. mill3r c/o '08. If your r3ading this your probably wond3ring what kind of p3rson i am... w3ll wh3n i find out i'll l3t you know. :) jk w3ll im fri3ndly (at tim3s), i hav3 a big h3art onc3 you g3t to know m3 you'll find that out, But that t3nds to b3 bad most of th3 tim3 caus3 wh3n i g3t my h3art brok3n it f33ls as if my world has 3nd3d i hav3 don3 som3 h3art br3aking and i tru3ly b3li3v3 i push3d away th3 only p3rson that i lov3d w3 would stay up for hours on th3 phon3 i loved 3milio alot but ;? with that said it all l3ads m3 h3r3 to look for my princ3 who can r3scu3 m3 from my world that continu3s to fall apart day aft3r day. Last but not l3ast If i could do anything it would b3 to Kiss in th3 middl3 of th3 str33t on the raini3st day of th3 y3ar. That would compl3t3 th3 fairy tal3 lif3 that i long for. W3ll thats all for now... but if you would lik3 to know mor3 f33l fr33 to stop by th3 comm3nt box or msg m3. R3m3mb3r God is Lov3. And lov3 is God.    It is what it is!!!!!get your own layout here. get your own layout here. Get a great new layout today! *click here*
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Drake feat Lil Wayne- Ransom
W0w!! very goodsong. Just barely heard some of drakes songs. W0W. My brother was ritehe is rite up there with Lil Wayne. Watch out! He is the next era. :]