+siewlee+ profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a fourth year medical student in UK (the land where wannabe doctors don't have to do a degree before entering medschool). Therefore, I'm younger than most American fourth year medics. My full time job is being a wannabe doctor where I go onto wards and try out various stuff like cannulation, venepuncture and history-taking. I can do catheterisation too, if anyone's interested. My ultimate goal? To save the world, and be a fun person at the same time.I love dancing, nice clothes and cooking as well. I'm addicted to the internet as well, spending most of my time blogging and downloading movies and tv dramas on my laptop. I'm not too big on travel, although I love to go on short breaks sometimes.Blog: http://subdereality.livejournal.com

My Interests

Dancing, Cooking, Shopping, Movies, Music (classical, R&B, all types of different music), Food. I like tidying up my studio apartment too, although it's in a perpetal mess whenever my exams are looming near.

I'd like to meet:

Fun people? Other medics as well.


Mozart, Beethoven, R&B, Ballads, Movie Soundtracks, 70's music, The BeeGees


The Shawshank Redemption, Amadeus, The Godfather I & II, Ben Stiller's movies, The Lord of the Rings, Dirty Dancing (both the original and the remake), Forrest Gump


C.S.I. New York, Prison Break, So You Think You Can Dance, Numb3rs


I hardly read books nowadays. Maybe Harry Potter?


Anyone with a strong will.