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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

a little bit of everything.. a strong willed woman.a smart ass but naive sometimes well,who knows everything anyway?.loves everyday challenges,that keeps me going.i love crazy people,they drives me nuts.dead serious but fun to be with,always a child at play.wants to have a happy disposition.nice and sweet but naughty sometimes.very trusting.a good friend but can be your worst nightmare when u hit me below the belt,i can be a bitch u couldnt imagine.fearless femme.grace under pressure.liberated, open minded but with much values instill.loves to care for other people.loves intimate moments,cuddling,hugging.longing to be loved and taken cared for.always believes that whatever you do will get back on you-law of karma.sensitive at times.i follow my heart,its where my instinct lies but i consider a lot of factors before i make decisions.i know i cant please everybody but dont wanna hurt anyone.i can give up everything whenever i know im hurting someone.i can also just disappear without sayin goodbye when im hurt.i am extreme,when i'm happy the whole world feels it.when i'm sad im very transparent i hide from people,i sulk,i get depressed.i have my down times.u can see my emotions through my eyes,the window of my soul.i am vulnerable.people see me as weird,i know im just different.wants to live a positive life.never entertain failures,they're just challenges.someone who believes in the power of goodness and of the mind.i love people that has good heart and i can feel one,i will madly deeply crazy fall in love with them.God fearing-the only ONE i please.a deep person.if you wont get to know me,wont be able to appreciate the real me. most of all,never believes in coincidences,there's no such thing.a great believer of fate,everything is meant to be.someone who believes that everything in life happens for a reason and there's purpose to it. God is sovereign,He makes everything happen according to His've been given a path but you can still do something about it,you have a choice,a freewill.a helluva woman but will always be a child at heart.Get Online Now Icons
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My Interests

Intimacy with God.. READING, MOVIES, WORK OUT, I LOVE THE GYM, My iPOD-cant live without it, bowling, beaches, sunsets-a so perfect creation. brain storming while drinkin and smoking, addicted to coffee cant start the day right without it.. loves everyday challenges - that keeps me going.. my work.. my team.. people that drives me nuts- i love them!!.. crazy funny people.. my friends.. my very bestfriend carlo-who's always there when i need him.. my other bestfriend jing-i love her so people.. JOHNNY DEPP-love of my life, tom hanks, hugh grant, ethan hawke, ben afflek, gary valenciano, beyonce, destiny's child, comfy tops, jeans, shoes, mexican, japanese foods, pizza, kissing, cuddling, INTIMATE MOMENTS, meditation, yoga, cooking, sleeping zzzzzzz...

I'd like to meet:

Just real people.. no pretentions.. no lies..


P&W songs.. jazz.. SOS.. ETBG.. the coors.. EW&F.. carpenters.. rnb.. beyonce (so hot).. destiny's child.. soul.. whatever that soothes my senses..


Passion of the Christ,Forrest Gump (i watched it many times), Chocolat (i love Johnny Depp), Pirates of the Carribean, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas' movies, Lord Of The Rings, Godfather, Sixth Sense, Blow, Sweet November, Undiscovered, Munich, Da Vinci Code, Lords of Dogtown, CARTOONS.. a lot more!


Sex and the City, Oprah, One tree hill, Amazing Race, The Bachelor, O.C., Veronica Mars,


The Bible, Purpose Driven Life, (best book ever, highly recommended), The Road Less Traveled, To Keep A Quiet Heart, One Day My Soul Just Opened Up, Soul Stories, 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, What's Amazing About Grace, Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, any John Maxwell's leadership books...


Jesus Christ..

My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes
Posted by BeLLe on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 05:21:00 PST

never know

You never know when someonemight catch a dream from you.Or something you say mayopen up the windows of a mind that seeks light;The way you live may not matter at all,But you never know, it might. And ...
Posted by BeLLe on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 11:26:00 PST

from a good friend.. thanks Mhon : )

A good woman is proud of herself. She respects herself and others. She is aware of who she is. She neither seeks definition from the person she is with, nor does she expect them to read her mind. She ...
Posted by BeLLe on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 08:39:00 PST


You're one reason i feel blessed with my life right now.. thanks for coming to my life.. We may have ups and downs but we still able to managed it. I love you so much baby.. thanks for the 7...
Posted by BeLLe on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:45:00 PST

Why did this happen??

"Why did God let this happen?" our hearts cry out when we face tragedy.. WHY?? There is no magic formula that always works with God. He doesnt deal with every situation the same way. Sometimes for a s...
Posted by BeLLe on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 09:41:00 PST

When is enough really enough?

You said i'll let go but you still hang on You said goodbye but you're still there You said i can't take it anymore but you still hope everything will change You said i cant live with your world ...
Posted by BeLLe on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 07:41:00 PST