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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am moving to Norway to become a lighthouse keeper.I will do pastel drawings of orcas flying around in outer space during all those cold nights on the fjords.You will miss me very much when I am in Norway, and I will miss you, too, but I will have your brown sweater and our memories to keep me warm.and also, I am going to marry the dancing otter (shake it for the nice Myspace people, honey):

My Interests

dropping my phone, moving frequently and for no good reason, losing important things (including, but not limited to: my keys, other people's keys, shoes, notebooks, that cd you loaned me, and all my money at the craps table), songs about canoes, making mixed tapes (but who uses cassettes anymore?!), barn storming, scented geraniums, tweed, industrial embroidery machines, knitting quadrilaterals of all sizes, things that come out of Grandma's oven (particularly brownies), breaking crayons into small pieces with a hammer, and retroactive continuity.

I'd like to meet:

Do you wear scarves? Do you like children's books? Do you enjoy black and white movies and cheap beer? Can you let me win at air hockey occasionally? Have you no shame? Are you willing to eat odd flavors of popsicles/ice cream? Do you have excellent written grammar but are able to rock the occasional colloquialism? Are you either taller than me or comfortable with being shorter than me? Do you refuse to become embarrassed when I start to sing in public? Are you interested in partnered-type dancing; you know, like in the movies? Do you have a favorite senator? Like bunnies? Are you worse at chess than I am? Then bring it on!


My lord, kiddies. You have no idea.


Pirates! Cary Grant! Harvey! Ferris Bueller's Day Off! Singing puppets! Things on fire! And The Princess Bride may have ruined me for real life romance forever.


never! Oh, except for John Adams. I have a thing for founding fathers. You found a nation, you get to be the big spoon. That's just how it goes.


Right now I am reading the Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis and it is crushing my mind into billions of smithereens.


Cameron Frye.