Being with our gal pals and top guys
Dancing and singing badly... did I mention talking?
Hmm... SUPERMAN! And the amazing man that invented the Internet, though it could have been a woman of course.
Hmmmm.... Music pretty much rules our lives! We will listen to almost anything! We like most music, ranging from rock and indie to rap and rnb, with some good old classics thrown in for good measure.
We have fairly the same taste in films, though Alex likes action films like City of God (it rocks!) and comedy classics like Life of Brian. Daniela likes comedy too, even like the harmless 90's film 10 Things I Hate About You (mainly due to the ultra lush Heath Ledger *drooldrool*) but romantic and horror always score highly as they give an excuse to cuddle up to someone.
Not too many decent tv shows around, but Ugly Betty was great, and if anyone has seen a show called Dexter on FX, that's also pretty good. Other than that, the usual crap like Family Guy, The Simpsons, and MADE will do. Jackass is also pure entertainment, though no one can't help but feel a little guilty when they get hurt (still funny though).
You Are Cookie Monster
Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth.
You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around.
You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking
How you life your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!"
The Sesame Street Personality Quiz
We don't read much, but Clockwork Orange was good, if difficult to understand. Similar to Trainspotting, if anyone knows that. Hopefully, one day, we shall both become more cultured and actually be able to write something of substance in this box, though don't hold your breath.
People who do good, and inspire others to do the same. We need more of them.
Jesus. For obvious reasons.
Our friends, some of which were lucky enough to escape us for sixth form. We miss you! Tough shit to the ones that stayed on. But you know we love you guys anyway.
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