Mick Neals profile picture

Mick Neals

About Me

I have been playing music for nearly 40 years. I got my first guitar when I was 9 and am self taught on all instruments that I play. I plink on the keyboards, play 4, 6, 8 & 12 string guitars and have gotten a beautiful Ludwig set given to me recently!

I have been told I am a pretty good singer by a few people. I had some vocal training in my early 20's with Ron Feldman. Many concider Ron the best voice coach on the East Coast! I do. When I first met Ron, I was 18, playing bass and singing lead in a band called Asylum Choir. Ron spoke with me after the show and gave me some free advice and offered to put me on as a student. Being the cocky person and singer that I was, I told Ron, I knew how to sing and no thanks! Man, if I would have known who he was at that time! I finally approached Ron, after discovering who he was when I was in my 20's and got on the waiting list for instructions. Thankfully he didn't hold a grudge and accepted me as a student.
Ron can also be credited with instructing Jani Lane of Warrant formerly known as John, drummer of Dorian Grey! That's right John plays a mean kit!!! There were many Saturdays running into Joh... I mean Jani on the way out as I was going in for lessons at Ron's. Dorian Grey actually opened for the Black Sabbath Tribute I played bass in, "Black Sunday" at Brassy's in Cocoa Beach. Now he's a $$millionaire$$ and I sell plumbing fixtures!
I have played in many bands, famous and not so famous while being managed by Omni Talent Group in Orlando, FL (shout out to Rick Young goes here)!
I have finally gotten the equipment needed and a chance to do some demo recording in my basement, "Basement North Studio". Christian based songs that I record for my own enjoyment, when a young friend of mine, Mr. Baker Johnson suggested I post on MySpace. So here I am! You can check out Baker, his wife NoraAnn and their band "Something Giant" in my top friends list. Give them a listen and some encouragement!
And now...A little bit about my songs...
"Another Life, Another Needless Death" - My brother, Alan D. succeeded in suicide April 21, 1999. This is something I hope noone has to experience. The lyrics are a bit on the dark side so far as the thoughts leading up to suicide, but how that thought process can be changed, by accepting the help of Jesus Christ.
I named this song A.L.A.N. D. in honor of my BIGGEST FAN EVER... my brother Alan Duncan Neals Sr.. I hope you enjoy it.
"Wake Up" - Is a song I wrote about getting sober after battling alcoholism for many years. I have been sober for 11 years February 18th, 2009 and loven' every minute of it! (To quote Mike Reno)
I have tried to make amends to everyone that I offended, hurt, rejected or trampled on while drinking. There are some that would not talk to me when I tried and they know who they are. I hope you can find it in yourself to look at the past and forgive me for hurting you.
"(As Long As) I'll Always Have You" - I wrote for my wife Annette for Valentine's Day 2007. again, it is how I just know that God put us together and meant for us to be together forever! We celebrated our 15th wedding annviersary October 23, 2008! Guitar slides and bombs compliments of Barry G. formerly of Boston and YTZ.
"U Got 2 Talk 2 Me" - Is a "Deterrents" song. Deterrents is a band I was in back in the 80's with Kevin Shea and Troy McDonald... All songs are written by Kevin M. Shea and Michael Neals. This is a live practice tape recorded on a portable tape deck in a warehouse so the quality is not the best!

"Stella" - I wrote for my Gramma for her 86th birthday! Man what an accomplishment! Her reaching 86 that is! It was her b-day present from me, the first I had written for anyone in my family. It has a lot to do with my mom and the whole generational thing. I hope she liked it!
"Untitled" - The last song will always be the song that is my current, "Work In Progress named Untitled."
I will occasionally re-post other Deterrents. Stay tuned for those.
Previous Bands include but not limited too:
Billy N., Gil JR, Mick
Sweet Evil
One Night Stand
Asylum Choir
Mick, Bobby Koelble, Steve Zentner
Black Sunday - The Electrifying Tribute To the God Fathers of Heavy Metal; Black Sabbath
If you would like to leave a comment that would be great. Please, no profanity or your comment will be deleted.
Thanks for visiting,
Mick Neals

My Interests


Member Since: 12/11/2006
Band Website: www.myspace.com/mickneals
Band Members: Mick Neals - Writer
All Vocals
All Guitars
Drum programming
Lyrics & Music by M. Neals

Mick Neals - Bass, Vocals
Kevin Michael Shea - Guitar
Troy Williams - Drums
Lyrics & Music - by
M. Neals & K.M. Shea

Influences: Jesus
Brad Delp
Tom Schultz
Kip Winger
Tony Iommi
Steve Harris
Too many to list!!!
See my friends list, many of my influences are there.

This is a very cool song. Nothing more than the album cover in the video but it is the only thing I could find. Give it a listen!
The band is named Crystavox and the song is titled No Boundaries

I recently contacted Adam Lee Kemp, the singer/writer for Crystavox and got permission to use his song.

Hey Adam,
Thanks for the add. I have been a big fan for a long time. A friend turned me on to Crystavox in the early 90's and I still think you have one of the greatest rock voices I have heard as a fellow musician! Our Pastor is doing a series on relationships, love and sex. I would like to perform No Boundaries to share the message of God's love with the congregation through your song if that is ok? Would you have a chord sheet or lead sheet that you could send me? I have picked it out on my guitar but I am sure that I do not have it correct. Thanks in advance for your help and keep fighting the good fight!
your brother,
Mick Neals

Adam's reply
Thanks and no problem. Unfortunately, we never Chord/Charted our songs and I don't remember them anymore. However, I will say that all of our songs were recorded and played one full step down from 440. (i.e. an E would be tuned down to a D) This has caused some confusion for those attempting to tab them after the fact. Hopefully this will help you figure it out..
Good luck!
Sounds Like: Me... I wrote all songs and played all instruments.

In my friends list I have added some very good young guitarists who are new talents on the up and coming list. Check them out and add them as a friend and send them some encouragement.

The youngest is Lucciano Pizzichinni he is now 8 years old and besides being absolutely adorable... he is quite good!

Jack Ripper is also one to watch for. He is about 11 (just had a b-day 6/22) and is going to be an absolutely fantastical teen guitarist!

Then there's 17yr old Chris Iorio from Vegas. What a ripper! This kid can jam and what a band he's in. Check him out. Many kudos from me!

Last but not least is Dario Larino who is currently playing with Jani Lane. He is 18 and has all kind of sponsorships! He reminds me of a lot of my old skool guitarist friends.
Record Label: none

My Blog

Available to play Bass or Guitar

Well, I have left the band Livewire.  Too many differences of opinion with certain members.  Got my bass playing skills sharpened back up and over the initial shock of being back in bars.  If you know...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 20:35:00 GMT

Happy Birthday

32! Wow! I hope it is a good one. I miss you and I love you.
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 18:56:00 GMT

Rest In Peace Brian

A good friend of mine lost his battle with cancer on 2/24/08.  His name is Brian Conner.  Please keep his family, wife Carla, sons, David, Daniel and Dylan and Brian's 2 daughters from a&nbs...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 19:01:00 GMT

Alan D - Another Life Another Needless Death

Alan D is now remixed and the vocals re-recorded with my new studio mic!  If you have read on my page, Alan D is a song about suicide.  Alan D is my brother and he succeeded in suicide ...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 06:23:00 GMT

7 points

1.  We are all Sinners If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse ...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 18:09:00 GMT

20 year later vocals

Well... after 20 years of sitting in a box, I got the old Deterrents cassette out. Kevin and I wrote the lyrics, some together and some seperate.  They are Love songs but not how you think t...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 20:02:00 GMT

Kudos for Brofie!

Kudos and many thanks go out to my brother-Inlaw Chris.  He called me with the title of Number 4.  "Today Is The Day" is it!!!   Man, now that I know that I just need to remem...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 19:10:00 GMT

Back on the traks

Well.. I realize that I have some unfinished business here allready... but my brain is exploding with new ideas!  I have to get them recorded before they disappear!  Electric, acoustic,...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 18:48:00 GMT